Welcome to the second update on Monster March challenge! Last week the majority of participants were busy painting their models with base colours. However, some of them already completed their initial projects and are moving fast to the next ones!
We also had a few more participants joining in! Please, remember that you can join at any time!
Let's see what did they all achieve last week!
Adrian started not one but three projects at the same time! He also chose very interesting models to represent respective "monsters" in his armies. Halftrack is used as a "Steel Behemoth and The Iron Ancestor (both from the Forgefather range) is used as Greater Earth Elemental for his Kings of War Dwarfs. And Mulg, character from the Privateer Press game "Hordes" is a Giant for his Ogre army.
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Steel Behemoth |
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Greater earth Elemental |
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Giant |
Well done Adrian! All models are great choices and look amazing already!
Albert is making a great progress with his regiment of knights. He posts updates on FB almost every day so you can follow the process nicely. Here are the last two photos I saved from these updates:
This is a really good freehand on the banner! Well done Albert! I am sure the regiment will look splendid when finished.
The first model Azazel has already completed is a Giant Spider from Massive Darkness. Here is one of the photos of this great looking model:
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Giant Spider |
I highly recommend visiting Azazel's blog as he wrote entire post dedicated to this model with many more photos:
Azazel's Bitz Box - Massive Darkness: Giant Spider
This was not the only model Azazel painted for Monster March! Here are two more:
Thanks a lot Azazel! Can't wait to see what other monsters you are going to paint next week!
Ben is not only painting a fantastic unit with unique models chosen to represent it but he also has an awesome theme for the entire army. Here is what he says about it in his own words:
And this is how the unit looks at the moment: | |||||
Well done Ben! I fully agree, the unit comes along very nicely!
Billy decided to paint a Mammoth and I was really curious which model in particular he chose. It happens to be the Reaper War mammoth from one of the kickstarters. Here is the photo of the beast ready to be primed!
Excellent choice Billy!
Boss Salvage
Boss is also pushing the challenge to the next level with three models in parallel! He has Mierce Bog Beast to act as a Tree Herder. GW Angron as Overmaster on Ancient Winged Halfbreed and Lord of the Print Myconid King as his Forest Warden. Check them out!
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Tree Herder |
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Overmaster on Ancient Winged Halfbreed |
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Forest Warden |
Really cool models Boss! I am sure many of the readers are already inspired to try them for their own armies/collections :)
Chris K.
It turns out that Chris had even more spectacular idea for the model of his Shadowhulk than the "standard" Mantic version.
This is what happens when a creative mind meets 3d printer! :) Awesome idea Chris!
As in the previous years and in the case of many of his fantastic projects, DAM writes excellent posts on the progress has has made so far. Here is one of the photos of Lion El'Johnson he is painting:
Lion El'Johnson |
It is really worthwhile visiting his blog and checking all the details, including more photos of the model:
262nd Death Korps of Krieg - Week 1
The Primarch of the 1st Legion looks awesome already!
David (aka Sceleris)
David mentioned he is working on several monsters for his Abyssal Dwarfs army. Here is one of the examples!
I love the dynamic post and it seems that the model is quite big too! Great choice indeed!
Ed O.
Ed is a returning participant and although he joined a bit later than usual, he has already completed his first project, Tyranid Carnifex!
Well done Ed! It is also great to know you will be painting another model to continue with the challenge!
Ed has his own blog too, so you can pay him a visit at:
Kola is my very good friend with who I have been sharing the hobby for a few decades by now! It is thus fantastic that he managed to find time in his extremely busy life to join the challenge! And what a great model he chose for this purpose!
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Venomcrawler |
Great progress, my friend! Keep up the great work!
Kristoffer was busy with assembling the model of the Shrine and provided great comment on the progress:
I’ve moved it backwards to avoid overhang and make it more suitable for the tabletop and as the first steps of painting I primed it grey and drybrushed it white. I intend to use contrast paints in the next step, and I find that the white drybrush helps create more initial contrast and bring out the volumes.
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Preassembly. |
The model preparation and assembly look superb! I am sure you will greatly enjoy the painting part of it! Well done!
Luca had a lot of fun with 3d printing his model and here are the results:
That's definitely a cool monster!
Marc likes Tyranids a lot too so no wonder he decided to join with a suitable model from that range as well. 2nd edition Hive Tyrant!
This is a great classic model and I can't wait to see it painted by Marc! He intends to post on the progress of this project on his blog as well:
Mikes made some good progress on his Dragon prior to the challenge so we agreed I will post the photos in instalments, while he is finishing painting his model.
The Dragon looks really good already! Can't wait to see it finished, perhaps in a group photo with Mike's other models in his great looking Elven army!
Paul A.
Paul has already made some good progress on his model of Radukar the Beast. Not only did he painted base colours but added two Vyxrkos Bloodborn attendants!
Well done! That's a great progress for sure!
Paul K.
Paul has chosen an excellent model of a Mutant Rat Fiend for the challenge. He managed to assemble and prepare the model for painting last week.
That's an excellent start Paul! Enjoy the painting phase now! :)
Sachiel returns with more photos and a new blog post that I enjoyed reading a lot! Here is one pphoto as a spoiler:
Check out the blog post with many more photos and details here:
The Die is Cast! - Part 2; Painting Begins
I think the model comes along very nicely indeed!
Simon is another fantastic player from the Oxford gaming Club and that I had a great pleasure to play against in the time of Warhammer 8th edition, as well as in Kings of War. He has recently got a great looking 3d printed model of a Griffon that he intends to use in his KoW armies.
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Model before priming. |
Thanks for joining the challenge, Simon! I am sure the model will look great when finished!
Vince has made some good progress too and as usual, documented it all very nicely on his blog!
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Goblin Blaster |
You absolutely need to visit Vince's blog and check all the photos and progress description in more detail:
Vince on all things Kings of War - Monster March Part 1
Well done Vince! The model looks great and I am sure it is a lot of fun to paint already!
I am sure you agree that there is some great progress on many projects from the last week! Plenty of inspiration to each other and to the readers as well! I hope I will be able to catch up with some painting this week myself.
Until the next update!
Wow, so much great progress so far!
ReplyDeleteSo many cool conversions! Really great work all around!
ReplyDeleteGreat work so far by so many talented individuals - can't wait to see how they pan out!