In the last, fourth round of the Rage of Isolation tournament, being played on Universal Battle 2, I played against Michael. The Big Boss and Tournament Organiser himself! If you were following my games from this event you would notice I did not post about the round 3. It is due to the fact that, unfortunately, the game was not played and I moved straight to round 4.
Michael plays with many armies but for this event he chose evil Northern Alliance, i.e. Varangur. It's been a while since I played against this army and I have not yet fought against them under 3rd edition rules. It was great that I had the first hand opportunity to see this army in action.
Michael decided to bring the army that is focused on melee and almost every single unit in it was able to deal a lot of damage in its own. Here are the details
Varangur - Army List
Frostfang Cavalry Horde (FC1), Large Cavalry - 265
Frostfang Cavalry Horde (FC2), Large Cavalry - 265
Huscarl Regiment (H1), Heavy Infantry - 225
Huscarl Regiment (H2), Heavy Infantry - 225
Draugr Regiment (D1), Infantry - 75
Draugr Regiment (D2), Infantry - 75
Reaver Troop (R1), Infantry - 135
Reaver Troop (R2), Infantry - 135
Reaver Troop (R3), Infantry - 135
Reaver Troop (R4), Infantry - 135
Snow Fox Regiment (SF), Swarm - 80
Lord on Frostfang (LoF), Hero (Large Cavalry)Aegis of the Elohi, Snow Fox - 215
Magnilde of the Fallen (M). Hero (Heavy Infantry) - 175
Cursed Son (CS), Hero (Heavy Infantry), Mournful Blade, Mask of the Reaper - 160