Today in the Armies of Australian Masters 2017 series we have Goblin force led by the current 1st player in the rankings - Clint.
Clint also holds the "Most tournaments played" award as he attended eleven events this year during which he played with various armies. Most recent two saw his Goblins unleashed and he decided to take this army to the Masters.
Goblins - Clint - Army List
6 Trolls, Horde, Dwarven Ale
- War Trombone, War Engine
- Mincer, Monster
- King on Chariot, Hero
6 Trolls, Horde
- War Trombone, War Engine
- Mincer, Monster
- Flaggit, Hero
6 Trolls, Horde
- War Trombone, War Engine
- Mincer, Monster
10 Fleabag Riders, Regiment
- Big Rocks Thrower, War Engine
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment
10 Mawbeast Pack, Regiment