
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Monster March 4 - Final


We have finally arrived to the end of March and because of that, Monster March 4 challenge is officially over! 

I am really happy I could host it 4th year in a row and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants for joining the painting challenge this year!

There were some amazing ideas, projects and models that you pledged this year. I am always amazed by the creativity people show, both in their ideas for models, and execution of their chosen projects. It is a privilege to host a painting challenge like this!

I am also very glad that people kept coming during the entire month! That was the idea from the beginning, whenever you start is less important than the fact that you do! 

In the final post about this year painting challenge I am going to list all the participants. Please, do not worry if you have not finished your project during this month. There is a lot going on in real life and the painting challenge aims to help you dealing with other issues by providing enjoyable distraction. I just hope all is good on your side!

First, the links to each post and update for the Monster March 4:

And now, all the participants of this year challenge!

1. Bennett - Reaper Bones Dragon

2. Boss Salvage - Murguba

3. Chris - Troll for Vanguard Warband

4. Christo - Slasher

5. Craig - Abyssal Archfiend

6. Cylde - Eldar Void Dragon Phoenix

7. DAM - Legio Ignatum Warlord Titan

8. Ed O'Malley - Adeptus Custodes Dreadnought

9. Edzig - Tree Herder

10. Marc - Tyranid Brood Lord

11. Michael - Lord on Chimera

12. Mikes - Mantic Forest Shambler

13. Remy - Goblin Wartoad Rider

14. Rory - Daemon Prince

15. Sam - Mindstealer Sphiranx

16. Sav Gaglio - Daemon Prince

17. Vince - Phoenix

18. Swordmaster - Dracon Lords


We had the highest number of the participants this year! I really hope it is going to be even higher next year! Indeed, the plan is to continue with Monster March challenge in 2021 and I do hope I will see all the participants joining again plus as many new ones as possible!

Thank you very much for all your efforts, your great pictures of which I had to choose just one for each update, fantastic blog posts and very inspiring projects. I can tell you that you did help me a lot to finish my model for this year challenge and even paint another one in the frame of a single month! That is a great, personal achievement!

Take care, stay safe and I will see you next year! :)


  1. Woo! Thanks for organising again. Glad I could sneak in at the last minute and not embarass myself too badly. Of the other entrants, I'm still loving that broodlord, and the green on that custodes dread glaive is sexy as.

    1. You did well! Always great to see your old school models in classic painting colour scheme :)

  2. Hear, hear! Thanks very much for organizing and bringing together all these great project posts. Best wishes for all and stay safe out there.

    1. My pleasure! And many thanks for your fantastic contributions too! I hope you will be posting some picture (and battle reports?) from your games with these fantastic Titans!

  3. Thanks again Swordmaster! I'll be sure to participate in 2021, maybe with an Imperial knight.

    1. Thanks a lot Ed! It was great to see your excellent models being painted to such a fantastic standard! Imperial Knight would be an awesome project for the next year! I am already looking forward to it :)
