
Saturday, 30 March 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 27 - 2019/03/30


There was not much time to rest after CanCon as there was another tournament coming in one month. Those who considered participating needed a bit of practice again, if only to get back to the armies at 10,000 points. Trimming down the existing forces by 500 points seemed to be a dilemma for all of us. 

It was thus great that Paul was ready to play early. What is more, he needed an immediate rematch after our game at CanCon when we got to play each other in the last round.

Paul brought Imperial Romans again, with a few changes:

Imperial Roman - Army List


Army Commander - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 3 - Competent Professional


Camp - Poor, Fortified

6 Legions Auxilia, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Unskilled Javelin, Shoot & Charge, Melee Expert
6 Legions Auxilia, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Unskilled Javelin, Shoot & Charge, Melee Expert
6 Legions Auxilia, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Unskilled Javelin, Shoot & Charge, Melee Expert
6 Legions Auxilia, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Unskilled Javelin, Shoot & Charge, Melee Expert
6 Legions Auxilia, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Unskilled Javelin, Shoot & Charge, Melee Expert

4 Guard Legionairies, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Exceptional, Protected, Impact Weapon, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
4 Guard Legionairies, Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Exceptional, Protected, Impact Weapon, Shield Cover, Melee Expert

4 Equites, Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Average Protected. Short Spear, Unskilled, Javelin, Melee Expert
4 Equites, Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Average Protected. Short Spear, Unskilled, Javelin, Melee Expert
4 Equites, Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Average Protected. Short Spear, Unskilled, Javelin, Melee Expert
4 Equites, Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Average Protected. Short Spear, Unskilled, Javelin, Melee Expert


6 Equites Sagittarii, Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy
6 Equites Sagittarii, Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Game 113 - The Herd - 2019/03/27


Soon after our first game Yan and I had a good opportunity for a re-match. This time we decided to go for armies a bit bigger than before, mainly because it seems that majority of the events announced are going to be at 2250 points.

Yan decided to make some changes to his army list in addition to the upgrade to a larger force. This time his Herd would also include some Elven trai... allies that is. :)

It meant that Yan added some ranged attacks to the army. At the same time, the horde of War Chariots poses a significant threat in melee. In general, it definitely added some more flexibility to his force. 

The changes to the core of the army list were not dramatic but quite interesting nevertheless. Let's have a look at the details:

The Herd - Army List

40 Tribal Warriors, Infantry, Horde, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1)
- Beast Pack*, Height (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Vicious 
- Beast Pack*, Height (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Vicious 
- Beast Pack*, Height (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Vicious  
- Chimera, Monster, Fly, Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinder, Vicious
- Shaman, Hero, Infantry, Bane Chant (3), Critter's Call (8), Drain Life (6), Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Myrddin's AMulet of the Fire-heart

40 Spirit Walkers, Infantry, Horde, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Banner of the Griffin
- Shaman, Hero, Infantry, Bane Chant (3), Weakness (2), Drain Life (6), Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Myrddin's AMulet of the Fire-heart

6 Guardian Brutes, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Thunderous Charge (2), Brew of Sharpness
- Tribal Totem Bearer, Hero, Infantry, Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1)

20 Tribal Longhorns, Infantry, Regiment, Base size (25 x 25mm), Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Lute of Insatiable Darkness

6 Stampede*, Large Cavalry, Horde, Irregular, Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Strider, Thunderous Charge (3), Dwarven Ale

Elven Allies

6 War Chariots, Horde, Large Cavalry, Bows, Elite, Thunderous Charge (2)
- Noble War Chariot, Hero, Large Cavalry, Nimble, Bows, Elite, Thunderous Charge (2)

Monday, 25 March 2019

Monster March - Part 4


Time for another Monster March 3 update! First of all, my sincere apologies for a bit of delay. There was a bit of real life interference which resulted in disruptions to internet access. Things are not yet back to normal but the main news is that it did not prevent me from posting this update!

Some of the participants did a great job by already finishing their pledges and moving to other projects. Well done! For some of us it may be that week that things got a bit slowed down. However, this is a perfect time to get back to painting, one can still make some progress. As I mentioned before, the main goal for this challenge is to help each other with inspiration and keep each other motivated. Especially when things tend to slow down.

Let's have a look at this week progress!

Friday, 22 March 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - CanCon 2019 - Summary - 2019/03/22


I have just finished the series of the battle reports from all my games I played during Mortem et Gloriam tournament in the frame of CanCon2019 event. I greatly enjoyed reviewing the battles and I have already learned a few valuable lessons by doing so. What is more important, however, is that I hope the series provided some entertaining read about MeG games.

In this post I would like to summarize some of my observations and experiences from what hopefully become the biggest MeG tournament in the Southern Hemisphere :)

I would like to begin with saying Thank you! to Dean who was the organizer of the event, my opponents: David, Stephen, Dru, Carl, Leigh and Paul, as well as all the participants. Thank you all for the fantastic event!

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 26 - 2019/03/20


In the last game of Mortem et Gloriam tournament at CanCon 2019 I played against another Roman army, this time of the Imperial flavor. This army was led by the player I had a pleasure to play against a few times before. Paul and I have already developed well spirited sport rivalry. Our games became are often bloody encounters with the end result being decided with a single, last dice roll! I was thus very curious if either of us can come up with a new plan to outsmart the opponent!

Although Paul often switches between various time periods for his Roman armies, he usually brings a combined arms force, with a mix of various types of infantry and cavalry. It was not different this time but as we know very well, it is all about the details! Here is the army list Paul brought to the event:

Imperial Roman - Army List

Imperial Roman - Army List

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Monster March 3 - Part 3


It seems like we have just reached half way of the Monster March 3 challenge. I can tell you that I was really into some painting thanks to the inspiration from the participants. It is very motivating to see others progress and I am glad it helps every one to keep painting too.

As always, if you are interested in participating you can join at any time! Ok, let's see what people were up to!

Game 112 - Salamanders - 2019/03/17


After the success with the most recent version of the army I wanted to try it out again. Hopefully to repeat the result! I didn't have to look for the opponent far as Jeff is always ready for some battles. 

I do not have a good track record against Jeff but that never stopped me from trying. In fact, I believe that thanks to our games and his sage advice I got better and managed to refine the army too.

As you probably noticed from previous games, Jeff is constantly experimenting with various armies. One thing you can always expect from him is that he almost never brings exactly the same army twice in a row. 

This time was no different and Jeff focused his attention on the Salamanders. He was bringing some elements of that faction before.However, it was the first time when I had a chance to play against Jaff when he commanded full Salamanders army. Here are the details of his army list:

Salamanders - Army List

40 Ghekkotah Warriors, Horde, Infantry
- Greater Fire Elemental, Monster, Breath Attack (6), Crushing Strength (4), Pathfinder, Shambling
- Clan Lord on Fire Drake, Hero, Monster, Breath (16), Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (1)

40 Ghekkotah Warriors, Horde, Infantry
- Greater Fire Elemental, Monster, Breath Attack (6), Crushing Strength (4), Pathfinder, Shambling
- Artakl [1], Hero, Infantry, Blowpipes (thrown weapons), Individual, Inspiring (Ghekkotah Warriors only), Piercing (1), Vicious, Stealthy, Master Stalker
40 Ghekkotah Warriors, Horde, Infantry
- Agnih-Bhanu, Greater Fire Elemental 1], Monster, Breath Attack (12), Crushing Strength (4), Piercing (4), Pathfinder, Strider, Vicious
- Ghekkotah Skylord, Hero, Large Cavalry, Blowpipes (thrown weapons), Inspiring (Ghekkotah Warriors only), Vicious

20 Ghekkotah Warriors, Regiment, Infantry
- Lekelidon, Monster, Firebolt, Height 2, Piercing (1)

20 Ghekkotah Warriors, Regiment, Infantry
- Lekelidon, Monster, Firebolt, Height 2, Piercing (1)  

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 25 - 2019/03/16


Day three and game five! This time I was to play against Mid-Republican Roman army commanded by Leigh. I had a great pleasure to play against Leigh on numerous occasions but we haven't met on the battle field for a while. Hence I was looking forward to play against him even more, especially that Leigh often brings a different army to command. This time was not different. I was very curious about the game also because we had a good, historical match-up. For me that is always a bonus!

There were different flavors of the Roman armies in this tournament. I must admit that when I saw Leigh's army I thought I would like to play with such force myself! It looked to me that Leigh fully embraced the historical aspect of Mid-Republican Roman army. He designed his force around many small units, representing Hastati, Princies and Triari with good support of Velites. He also added some Italian allies and Spanish units to the mix. And ended up with no less than 17 units total! 

Mid-Republican Roman - Army List

Mid-Republican Roman - Army List

Monday, 11 March 2019

Game 111 - The Herd - 2019/03/11


I had a great opportunity to play against a new opponent with a completely new type of an army to what I have been playing against recently. 

I played against The Herd commanded by Yan. Yan contacted me some time ago as he was looking for opponents to play on Universal Battle. We finally found the time suitable for both of us and I was really looking forward to this game.

If I remember correctly, I have played against the Herd only once so far. I was very curious what type of an army Yan is going to bring to the field. I must admit that due to my inexperience in fighting against this faction I didn't even know what to expect! Maybe apart from Stampede :)

Here are the details of the army at 2000 points I was about to play against:

The Herd - Army List

40 Spirit Walkers, Horde, Infantry, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Aegis of the Elohi
- 10 Harpies*, Troop, Infantry, Base size (25mm x 25mm), Fly, Pathfinder, Vicious
- 10 Harpies*, Troop, Infantry, Base size (25mm x 25mm), Fly, Pathfinder, Vicious
- Centaur Chief, Hero, Cavalry, Crushing Strength (2), Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge, Blade of Slashing

6 Lycans, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+), Brew of Strength
- 5 Beast Pack*, Troop, Cavalry, Height (1), Nimble, Pathfinder, Vicious
- Chimera, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinder, Vicious, Fly

20 Tribal Longhorns, Regiment, Infantry, Base size (25mm x 25mm), Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1)
- Shaman, Hero, Cavalry, Bane Chant (3), Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Heal (5),  Weakness (2), Critter's Call (8)L

20 Tribal Longhorns, Regiment, Infantry, Base size (25mm x 25mm), Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1)
- Shaman, Hero, Infantry, Bane Chant (3), Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder, Thunderous Charge (1), Heal (5),  Weakness (2), Banner of the Griffin

6 Stampede*, Horde, Large Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Pathfinder, Strider, Thunderous Charge (3), Brew of Haste

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Monster March 3 - Part 2


Welcome to the update on the progress in our Monster March 3 challenge! The participants chose their models and we have already has some examples of the work done. For those who picked the models they started painting some time ago but have not finished yet, it was a week of reconsidering the painting schemes and to get back to painting! For those who has just started a new project it was the exciting time of opening the boxes and assembling the models!

Please remember you may join the challenge at any stage, it is never too late. The goal is to make some progress with your projects. In the meantime, let's see what the participants were up to!

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 24 - 2019/03/05


In the fourth game of Mortem et Gloriam tournament at CanCon 2019 I faced Khurasanian Dynasties army commanded by Carl.

I have never played against this army before and it was the first time I was about to play against Carl as my opponent. I was really looking forward to it because I saw the painting progress Carl made with his army when he posted photos online. It is great to meet new players too!

I must say that when I read information on the armies represented, just prior to the tournament, the first one I tried to get more historical background about was Khurasanian Dynasties one. It is quite unexplored territory for me and I am sure I will try to find some more proper books about both, the historical period and the dynasties.

In the meantime I had to come up with the plan on how to tackle this particular enemy! Here are the details of the force Carl brought this time:

Khurasanian Dynasties - Army List

Khurasanian Dynasties - Army List.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Monster March 3 - Part 1


I am very happy to officially announce that third Monster March challenge has just begun! It is my great pleasure to host the challenge for all the participants again. 

There are a few participants that did great in previous years and are back for more! I greatly appreciate that and I am very happy know you liked the challenge to do it again.

New participants joined this year and I would like to welcome them too! Thank you for joining us and I am sure you will enjoy the experience.

If you would like to check the previous challenges, here are the links to the final posts:

Monster March 2

It is never too late to join Monster March. You may jump in at any time, just let me know and I will add you to the next update blog post.

Let's see who is participating this year and what models are going to be painted in Monster March 3!