
Sunday, 17 March 2019

Monster March 3 - Part 3


It seems like we have just reached half way of the Monster March 3 challenge. I can tell you that I was really into some painting thanks to the inspiration from the participants. It is very motivating to see others progress and I am glad it helps every one to keep painting too.

As always, if you are interested in participating you can join at any time! Ok, let's see what people were up to!


Blazmo is going really strong. To me his fantastic model looks like it is already finished! 

Steel Panther!

There is a story behind the name of the tank but if you want to find out you should visit Blazmo's blog:

Tabletop Apocalypse - Week 2


Caladris is doing really great with his multiple projects! I envy his organizational skills and the ability to continue several projects at the same time!

The shining blue looks fantastic!

For the more detailed updates and many more photos of all the models Caladaris is working on, please check his post here:

Creative Twilight - Week 2


DAM is also very efficient and focused as befits the member of Death Korps of Krieg! He describes a very interesting painting method for his challenge entry and here is just one of the WiP photos of his work:

Warlord Titan - WiP

I highly recommend checking DAM's post, very informative and well written:

262nd Death Korps of Krieg - Week 2

Ed O'Malley

Ed's Biotitan gains some flesh for sure! I am really impressed not only by the way Ed painted his amazing model but also by the fact that he has actually just finished painting it! Achievement unlocked! :)

Bio-titan - done!
Ed, however, decided it is not yet time to stop painting, even for a short while and he continues with his new project. Check out his blog to find out what it may be!

Berserkerblade - Week 2


Nick has just sent me more photos of his miniature. He was very kind to mention that Monster March helped him to focus on painting and he is almost done! Next step will be work on the base of the model. It is really great to see the painting project progressing so well and I am very happy that the challenge helped in achieving that. Well done Nick!  

Very nice contrasts!


Rory of Stepping Between Games fame is known for hosting Squandry painting challenge. It is, as you perhaps have guessed already, focused on building and painting a Squad for your army in the month of February. Rory was very busy with coordinating the challenge but he made some recent progress on a model that fits Monster March perfectly!

Eldar Wraithlord!

I hope Rory will continue with this model. Make sure to visit his blog and check Squandry entries too, very inspiring!

Stepping Between Games 


Stats created a very nice conversion the previous week and now it was time for some painting. He made a great progress indeed!

Great effects on the armor!

Not only that but Stats wrote a blog post with a very nice tutorial on how to achieve that effect! Thanks a lot!

De Silentio Umbrae - Week 2


Vince was clearly under the influence of the Vampire that commissioned the work :)  He made a great progress on the dragon and started painting the Vampire too!

I like green wings a lot!

You should definitely check more details on that story on Vince's blog:

Vince on all things Kings of War - Week 2 


I am happy to add that I made some progress too! I really enjoyed painting the Shamblers, very nice models. I wanted to achieve a bit of dirty effect on the bark in particular so I went for drybrushing my models. The "flesh" parts are painted as normal with generous apply of wash afterwards. 

Forest Shamblers in Autumn Camouflage
Next step will be painting some green leafs and working on weapons. 

Congratulations on some great progress! Many thanks for your contributions! Do not worry if you could not achieve your goals this week, just start again in Week 3!

All the best and see you next week!


  1. It's so nice to see many painters doing the same event! The miniatures of other partecipantd look great. The purple on the blades of your shamblers fits perfectly with the overall palette, well done!

    1. Thank you! It is just the first layer, I want to make the color of the blades the connection with the rest of the army scheme. Let's see if that works at the end of the project. :)

  2. Sorry for the delayed post, a new update on the blog:

    1. No problem, Ed! I have just updated the post. Congratulations on the completion of the project, well done indeed!

  3. Awesome progress again here. Looking forward to seeing how the models all pan out!
