
Sunday, 17 February 2019

Game 109 - Forces of Nature - 2019/02/16


In my last game before CanCon2019 I once again played against Jeff. I had a difficult decision to make, I had to choose between two events at the same time. This year I chose Mortem Et Gloriam. However, I still could help Jeff to test his army one more time before could decide on the final version of it.

This time Jeff decided to trade the speed of the Forest Shamblers, in particular in formation, for high defense of Earth Elementals. Hydras were gone too, with 3 Beasts of Nature instead. Also, there were Druids this time and together with Forest Wardens this army had quite a large number of Drain Lice spells. Here are the details:

Forces of Nature - Army List

6 Fire Elementals, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (2), Shambling
- Beast of Nature,  Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Breath Attack (10)
- Forest Warden, Large Infantry, Hero,  Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinders, Nimble, Vanguard, Surge (3), Drain Life

6 Fire Elementals, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (2), Shambling
- Beast of Nature,  Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Breath Attack (10)
- Forest Warden, Large Infantry, Hero,  Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinders, Nimble, Vanguard, Surge (3), Drain Life

6 Fire Elementals, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (2), Shambling
- Forest Warden, Large Infantry, Hero,  Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinders, Nimble, Vanguard, Surge (3), Drain Life, Inspiring Talisman
- Beast of NatureMonster, Crushing Strength (2), Breath Attack (10)

3 Earth Elementals, Large Infantry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Shambling, Defense 6+
- Druid, Heal (2), Individual, Inspiring

3 Earth Elementals, Large Infantry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Shambling, Defense 6+
- Druid, Heal (2), Individual, Inspiring

3 Earth Elementals, Large Infantry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Shambling, Defense 6+
- Druid, Heal (2), Individual, Inspiring

3 Earth Elementals, Large Infantry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Shambling, Defense 6+
Even more Elementals! This army is certainly a tough nut to crack. 16 Elements, 13 scoring and combined units strength of the army 27. 5+ and 6+ defense all around. The fact that this army is slower in advance does not make it any easier to fight against.  However, that may be an element to use as an advantage. This army may need to stay together and is not going to cover entire width of the battle field. That is where the faster and more maneuverable opponent can find the opening.

I also made a change to the previous army list. I noticed that the cost of the formation and the king equals to the cost of a second Drakon Lord. After the discussion with Jeff, I decided to try double Drakon Lords this time. In addition, two Nobles in the Chariots also joined the army to boost the number of scoring units.

Outcasts - Army List

3 Drakon Riders, Regiment, Large Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (1), Crushing Strength (1), Fly
- 5 Silverbreeze, Troop, Cavalry, Nimble, Bows
- 5 Silverbreeze, Troop, Cavalry, Nimble, Bows
- Drakon Rider Lord, Hero, Large Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (1)

3 Drakon Riders, Regimen, Large Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (1), Crushing Strength (1), Fly
- Drakon Rider Lord, Hero, Large Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Thunderous Charge (1)

10 Stromwind Cavalry, Regiment, Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (2)
- Noble War ChariotHero, Large Cavalry, Bow, Thunderous Charge (2)

10 Stromwind Cavalry, Regiment, Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (2)
- Noble War ChariotHero, Large Cavalry, Bow, Thunderous Charge (2)

3 War Chariots, Regiment, Large Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (2), Bows

3 Forest Shamblers, Regiment, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Vanguard, Pathfinders
- Forest Warden, Large Infantry, Hero,  Crushing Strength (2), Pathfinders, Nimble, Vanguard, Surge (3), Inspiring Talisman

3 Forest Shamblers, Regiment, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Vanguard, Pathfinders

20 Palace Guard, Regiment, Infantry, Crushing Strength (1)
20 Palace Guard, Regiment, Infantry, Crushing Strength (1)

This army has 15 elements and all scoring, which is quite unusual for my armies. However, it looked reassuring to know that I better equipped to claim or contest objectives. The army has a combined unit strength of 22. 

It was a very interesting match up in my opinion. One army has more elements and higher unit strength, better defense and grinding power.  The other has more scoring elements, is faster and more maneuverable. 

The initial plan was to use the shooting to add a few points of damage but I was not necessarily counting on doing much damage in this way. The plan needed to evolve around ability to split enemy forces in order to execute combined charges. I could not afford war of attrition as this army is far better at it with high defense units and all drain life spells around.

Deployment and Scenario

Deployment of the armies.

For this game we got Ransack as the scenario. The orange markers, with the exception of the central one, are worth 1 point. The white ones are 2 points and the central one is worth 3 points. 

My plan was thus as follows. Use the units on the left flank to occupy the advancing enemy forces and slow then down. Use the central formation of Chariots to shoot at opposing units but at the same time cooperate with the regiments to center right to engage the foe. That should allow Drakon Riders and Lord to outflank the enemy there. I still put these units on the extreme flank to see if I can outmaneuver the Earth Elementals but ultimately, these units needed to go around and help to dominate the center. 

My aim was to control the center objective, the one across it on the opposing half and both on the right flank. If that worked I should be able to collect total of 7 points in order to secure objective of the scenario.

Deployment of after vanguard moves
 Outcasts - Turn 1

Elves advance.

Elven army advanced with variable speeds. Units on the right moved forward but only to extend the range of threat a little. Those on the center advanced further but still at the normal speed, simply to get into range of for the shooting. While those on the right advanced at a double.

Elven warriors opened fire but their accuracy was affected by the march and the target, Earth Elementals was too tough to suffer any meaningful damage.

Forces of Nature - Turn 1

The elementals shamble forward

The full army of the Forces of Nature shambles relentlessly forward. There were a few attempts to harm the Elves with ranged attacks but these surprisingly failed. Only lone unit of Elementals on the right flank remained in its defensive position.

Outcasts - Turn 2

Outflanking maneuvers.

Elves seemed to be a bit confused how they wanted to proceed. Units on the left withdrew a bit but both Palace Guard and Forest Shamblers made a mistake of staying too close to the forest. That significantly limited the ability to see the enemies outside of the woods.

Units on the right maneuvered to outflank the central formation, with Drakon Riders moving into the gap left by the foe.

Forces of Nature - Turn 2

Forces of Nature press forward.

The Fire and Earth Elementals were now approaching enemies around two sides of the forest. On the right their shooting unnerved Elven horses and the knights had to waste time calming down their mounts.

It was becoming quite crowded in the center now. Earth Elementals challenged the Elven warriors while Fire Elementals waited in the second line to counter attack those who would charge first.

Outcasts - Turn 3

Elves Attack through the center.

Elves decided on a gamble and attack through the center. War Chariots, Noble and Storm Wind cavalry attacked the Earth Elementals but even their combined might was not enough to destroy them.

Forest Shamblers and Palace Guard also joined the fight, mainly to block their enemies from counter attacking. However, Place Guard was very successful and routed the Beast of Nature already.

In the meantime, the Drakon Riders and Lords on both flanks attempted encirclement maneuvers, while Forest Shamblers on the left shielded Palace Guard regiment to allow it to close towards the center as well.

Forces of Nature - Turn 3

Counter attack!

Forces of Nature counter attacked. On the left flank the Drakon Lord was caught by the Elementals but surprisingly he was not harmed by them at all. Nearby Drakons were the target of the Beast's breath attack but they too emerged unscathed. (Edit: Apologies for the mistake, the Beast was not charging into melee as depicted on the diagram.)

Elves left a bit of an opening in the center so counter attacking Elementals could charge Chariots and Forest Shamblers at the same time. That led to the destruction of both units.

On the right flank, the Drakon Lord was very lucky as the Earth Elementals that were magically surged into combat, did much smaller amount of damage than expected. He lived to fight another day!

Outcasts - Turn 4

Elven attacks on whole front.

There were many targets for the Elven attacks and they had to choose wisely. The units in the center managed to defeat one group of Fire Elementals. However, Palace Guard and Nobles in Chariots did not. Nearby Storm Wind cavalry also failed to rout their opponents.

On the left flank, free to fly Drakons decided to help Forest Shamblers and captured one of the Beasts. However, that looked like an overkill and the Drakons were once again in grave danger.

Forces of Nature - Turn 4

Powerful blow against Elven army.

Another round of counter attacks commenced and this time Forces of Nature were even more successful. Assisted by the magic wielded by Forest Wardens and Druids, Elementals were animated to quicker action and caught Elven enemies by surprise. No less than four Elven units perished.

Outcasts - Turn 5

Elves do not give up!

Elves keep fighting in the center, the only way to break through and have a shot at winning the battle. There was a lot of counter charging but only Storm Wind managed to defeat their opponent.

Forces of Nature - Turn 5

Forces of Nature attempt to control the center too.

The bitter fight for the control over the center continued. Another round of counter attacks was truly powerful but elite Palace Guard refused to give ground.

Outcasts - Turn 6

Elves win the center!

At long last Elves managed to defeat three enemy units and take control over the center. However, in doing so, they spend too much time and were not yet in the position to contest other objectives.

Forces of Nature - Turn 6

Last charge!

Forces of Nature units on the left flank secured the objectives undisturbed. While a few elements left in the center launched one more attack against badly damaged Palace Guard units. One of them was finally routed but the second one did not give up.

Unfortunately for Elves, their bloody victory in the center was not enough to win the battle as the Forces of Nature controlled more objectives.


Turn-by-turn animation summary

It seemed to me as another close game with a good shot at winning this time! Congratulations to Jeff for keeping calm and securing the objectives so that even after the bloody fight in the center, he had enough elements left to win the scenario.

We discussed the game and we came to the conclusion that I needed turn 7 in order to make an attempt to win the game. In order to do that I would have to move Silver Breeze down to secure the objective they originally held, defeat the Forest Warden and Earth Elementals. In particular routing Earth Elementals was crucial as I could not contest the objective under the control.

We gave it a try for fun and it happened that if there was turn 7 I would still have not secure that particular objective and Jeff would have won anyway.

That exercise only reinforced my conclusion that there were a few mistakes in the game that contributed to the end result.

First, the placement of the objectives. It is always a bit of a gamble. However, if I were to bet on winning the roll off to choose the sides and place the tokens accordingly, I should have probably swapped the 2 point worth token near the hill and place it near the difficult terrain instead. Then I could keep the Chariots nearby instead and use two regiments of Storm Wind cavalry to make a bigger threat together in the middle of the board.

I noted that sometimes I move the units that have the mission to slow down the enemy forward. This is to threaten the attack early but in doing so I move them into a position where they can be shot at. Perhaps it is not necessary and I should avoid advancing too early, especially with cavalry and Drakons, that can still attack from further distance.

I moved my Palace Guard and Forest Shamblers on the left too close to the forest so when the Storm Wind got wavered, I did not have an opportunity to attack with them.

There was a great opportunity on that flank to free Drakon Riders and Drakon Lord to move in between the forests and help in the center. I did not use it and I lost the Drakons in the process. While The Lord had to maneuver for one turn and arrived to the center when he could not contribute anymore. Timing is very important and as that game showed, despite the success in the center, my units run out of time to make a difference.

Another missed opportunity was when I charged turn 2. What I should have done was to execute the attack with Forest Shamblers and Noble in the Chariot against the flank of the Fire Elementals. Adding 8 attacks that hit on 3+ and do damage on 3+ due to Thunderous Charge would help. But the main thing was to block enemy units from outflanking Forest Shamblers and attacking the Chariots. In this way I would have kept more units intact and perhaps be able to mount a more successful attack in the following turns. Instead, I lost two regiments quickly and prolonged the fight in the center.

I made a mistake with the Drakon Lord that moved from the right flank as well. With the full benefit of the hindsight, I think I should have attacked Earth Elementals with him alone. I was lucky he could join the fight but the main goal should have been tying up the elementals. Perhaps I could have done it long enough for the reinforcements to arrive and prevent the unit from threatening the flank of the group fighting in the center.

The good thing was that I put up a decent fight and while I was lucky a few times (for example with both Palace Guard regiments or Drakon Lord on the left not being harmed in combat at all), I think I had a chance to win this time. I was in particular glad I managed to shift Palace Guard unit from the left to the center so that they helped in winning there.

It is also quite re-assuring to know there are things that can be done better as that can be potentially amended for the next game.

I am very glad I could add some help to Jeff's preparation for CanCon. He went undefeated with all his 6 games of the event and finished 2nd only due to the fact that the winner of the event managed to collect more points overall. As he told me after the event, he was winning on scenarios but not necessarily with the big points margin. I still think it is a fantastic achievement!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Another great batrep. Will you be hosting Monster March again this year?

    1. Hi Ed,

      Thank you for your comment and apologies for the late reply.

      I will host Monster March again, although I must admit I had some concerns. March is going to be quite an intense month due to some real life activities.

      But let's do this! I hope that despite late announcement there will be enough participants as in the previous years.


    2. I'll definitely be up for it and I'm sure you'll get a few more participants.
