
Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Monster March 4 - Introduction


I can't believe it is almost March! Time flies, seemingly faster with every passing year. However, the good thing about March is that we are about to embark on yet another painting challenge, fourth year in a row!

What is Monster March? In short, it is a painting challenge where you choose one big model from your collection and paint it during entire month. It's the opportunity to paint that centre piece of your collection that perhaps was waiting a bit long for you to start working on it. Or maybe you have just got a great model and can't wait to paint it! Whatever the reason and whatever the model (although the bigger the better!), it is your opportunity to enjoy painting and sharing progress on weekly basis with other participants. 

To have a better idea what it may look like, here are the links to the Monster March challenges from previous years:

If you are interested, please continue to learn about a few more details on how to join!

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Clash of Kings Australia 2020 - Summary - 2020/02/17


In this post I would like to summarise my experiences during the Clash of Kings Australia 2020. However, while the series of the battle reports focused on the games, there is much more to that event than battles. 

I am still going to discuss my observations about the army I took to the event of course! But I also would like to spend some time talking about other, very important aspects of this unique tournament.

In short, I spent fantastic two days with other Kings of War enthusiasts and came home greatly inspired by the armies people prepared with such a great level of creativity and dedication. Happy to catch up with those I met before and meet new players, hopefully forging new friendships. And in general, full of optimism about Kings of War as a great game of mass fantasy battles! 

A lot of people contributed to this overall fantastic event. The battle reports and in particular this post, is dedicated to all of them as a way of saying "Thank You!" for making it such a wonderful experience. I am sure I am not the only one who would share this point of view!

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Game 139 - Forces of Nature - 2020/02/16


In the final, 6th round of Clash of Kings Australia 2020 I faced the army of Forces of Nature commanded by Ken - regular Masters participant and a winner of last year Clash of Kings Australia!

I have played against Ken only twice so far and I lost on both occasions. I hoped I would be able to change the current standings to be a bit more equal. Luckily, one of my very few practice games was against this faction so I wanted to use my experience and apply the lessons learned to this game.

Of course, no two armies are the same and no two players would use even exactly the same army in similar fashion, so I had to come up with a good plan against Ken's Forces of Nature anyway. The army had quite a few units I played against before, be it in the army from the same faction or from another one. Earth Elementals are very good example of these and you could see them featured in the previous battle report. 

In general, Ken's army had tough units, fast units and shooting units, which made it versatile and flexible army for sure. Here are the details:

Game 6 - Forces of Nature - Ken

Naiad Ensnarers Horde (NE), Infantry, Hammer of Measured Force, Frenzied Otter - 255
Earth Elemental Horde (EE1), Large Infantry, Mace of Crushing - 225
Earth Elemental Horde (EE2), Large Infantry, Mace of Crushing - 225

Centaur Bray Strider Regiment (CBS), Cavalry, Frenzied Otter - 165
Centaur Bray Strider Regiment (CBS), Cavalry, Frenzied Otter - 165

Woodland Critter Regiment * (WC), Swarm - 80

Greater Fire Elemental (GFE), Titan - 175

Tree Herder (TH), Hero (Titan), Hann's Sanginary Scripture - 270
Forest Warden (FW), Hero (Large Infantry), Inspiring Talisman - 110
Unicorn (U1), Hero (Large Cavalry, Wings, Lightning Bolt (5) - 165
Unicorn (U1), Hero (Large Cavalry, Wings, Lightning Bolt (5) - 165

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Game 138 - Dwarfs - 2020/02/13


In the fifth round of the Clash of Kings Australia 2020 I met another new player, Brent, who commanded army of Dwarfs. It was thus another classic duel between archetypical armies of many fantasy worlds!

Brent came down from Sydney and he told me he has only recently started playing Kings of War. Excellent! Great to know there are new players joining the ranks! 

The composition of his army was very intriguing. He had some units I knew are tough as I faced them before. For example, Earth Elementals or Ironclad Horde. I was intrigued by Shieldbreaker Regiments as these were similar to Palace Guard, by Brock Riders after changes and the very new Steel Juggernouts. Brent also mentioned that Jeff himself helped him with the design of this army. It is great to have such an experienced and great player in your corner! Here are the details of the army Brent took to the tournament:

Game 5 - Dwarfs - Brent

Ironclad Horde (I), Infantry, Hammer of Measured Force, Throwing Mastiffs - 215
Earth Elemental Horde (EE1), Large Infantry - 220
Earth Elemental Horde (EE2), Large Infantry - 220

Shieldbreaker Regiment (S1), Infantry, Throwing Mastiff - 140
Shieldbreaker Regiment (S1), Infantry, Throwing Mastiff - 140
Berserker Brock Riders Regiment (BR), Cavalry, Brew of Sharpness - 230

Mastiff Hunting Pack Regiment* (MHP), Swarms - 65

Dwarf Lord on Large Beast (DL), Hero (Large Cavalry) - 200
Steel Juggernaut (SJ1), Hero (Large Infantry) - 150
Steel Juggernaut (SJ2), Hero (Large Infantry) - 150
Stone Priest (SP), Hero (Infantry), Bane Chant (2) - 110
Berserker Lord (BL), Hero (Cavalry), Blade of Beast Slayer - 160

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Game 137 - Undead - 2020/02/09


In the game 4 and the first battle of the second day I played against a really nice looking Undead army commanded by Andrew.

Andrew was one of the players from Direct Misfire team! It was great to meet a new player from Melbourne!

Undead seemed to be quite a popular faction during Clash of Kings but I have not played against them so far and it's been a while since I played against this army as well. I was thus very curious what Andrew decided to choose for his force and here are the details:

Game 4 - Undead - Andrew

Soul Reaver Cavalry Regiment (SRC), Cavalry, Sir Jesse's Boots of Striding - 265
Revenant Cavalry Regiment (RC), Cavalry - 165
Soul Reaver Infantry Regiment (SRI), Infantry - 250
Revenant Regiment (R1), Infantry - 125
Revenant Regiment (R1), Infantry - 125

Wight Horde* (W1), Large Infantry, 260
Wraith Troop* (W2), Infantry - 120
Wraith Troop* (W2), Infantry - 120

Revenant King on Undead Great Flying Wyrm (RK), Hero (Titan) - 250
Mhorgoth the Faceless (M), Hero (Infantry) - 230
Necromancer (N), Hero (Infantry), Inspiring Talisman, Bane Chant (2) - 90

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Game 136 - Orcs - 2020/02/08


In the last round of the first day of Clash of Kings Australia 2020 I had a great pleasure to play against Matthew who commanded an army of Orcs and friendly Trolls!

It was the second time I played against Matthew, as we did so a few months ago during a local event. It was, thus, a great opportunity for a re-match, although under 3rd edition of Kings of War this time. I was very curious what would be the composition of Matthew's army. I noticed some very interesting changes and as usual, great looking models on the other side of the table! 

Gore Chariot Legion was obviously the first unit I noticed, as it was really intimidating! But all elements of Matthew's army looked really great! Here are the details of the army he brought to the tournament:

Game 3 - Orcs - Matthew

Gore Chariot Legion (GC), Chariot, Sir Jesse's Boots of Striding - 290

Ax Horde (AH), Heavy Infantry - 215
Troll Horde (T1), Large Infantry - 190
Troll Horde (T2), Large Infantry - 190

Longax Regiment (L1), Heavy Infantry - 155
Longax Regiment (L2), Heavy Infantry - 155

Skulks Troop* (SO1), Heavy Infantry - 85
Skulk Outriders* (SO2) - Cavalry - 105
Orclings* (O), Swarms - 60

War Drum (W), Monster - 80

Godpeaker (GS), Hero (Heavy Infantry), Heal (2), Shroud of the Saint - 115
Krusher (K), Hero (Cavalry) - 75
Flagger (F), Hero (Infantry) - Lute of Insatiable Darkness - 75
Gakamak (G), Hero (Cavalry) - 230

Monday, 3 February 2020

Game 135 - Forces of the Abyss - 2020/02/03


In the second game of the Clash of Kings Australia 2020, I played against Jonathon who commanded Forces of the Abyss army. Although Jonathon is from Canberra we have never played against each other before. It was good to meet another new player!

His army was composed from Mantic only models and his dipping technique resulted in a very nicely painted army. It was a great example one can create an army in a span of a year in a very relaxed way and get a great table top effect! I liked his Warlocks and Archfiend in particular, I think these are great sculpts. He also had really cool idea of using small creatures from various sprues to create horde of Succubi Larvae. In addition, he cleverly used Elohi models to create a unit of Tortured Souls by simply painting them in a matching colours - Dark Elohi if you like!

I hoped my recent games against this faction would help me in coming up with a good plan as I noticed quite a few familiar units.

Game 2 - Forces of the Abyss - Jonathon

Moloch Horde (M1), Monstrous Infantry, Despoiler Champion - 245
Moloch Horde (M2), Monstrous Infantry, Despoiler Champion - 245

Abyssal Horsemen Regiment (AH1), Cavalry, Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar - 260
Abyssal Horsemen Regiment (AH2), Cavalry, Sir Jesse's Boots of Striding - 260

Succubi Larvae Horde* (SL), Infantry - 150
Tortured Souls Regiment* (TS), Large Infantry, Blade of Slashing - 125

Gargoyle Troop* (G1), Heavy Infantry - 85 
Gargoyle Troop* (G1), Heavy Infantry - 85

Archfiend of the Abyss (AotA), Hero (Titan), Brew of Haste - 330
Abyssal Warlock (AW1), Hero (Large Infantry), Bane Chant (2) - 110
Abyssal Warlock (AW1), Hero (Large Infantry), Bane Chant (2) - 110

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Game 134 - Forces of Basilea - 2020/02/02


Welcome to the very first battle report from the games I played during Clash of Kings Australia 2020.

In this game I had a great pleasure to meet Trevor who travelled all the way from Queensland together with a famous Team Queensland. Trevor brought one of the trademark factions for the game of Kings of War - Forces of Basilea! What is more, his army was composed entirely with Mantic Models. Well done, Trevor!

Trevor's army was an example of small, elite and hard hitting force. Here are the details of his army composition:

Game 1 - Forces of Basilea - Trevor

Paladin Knight Regiment (PK1), Cavalry, Aegis Fragment - 215
Paladin Knight Regiment (PK2), Cavalry, Aegis Fragment - 215
Paladin Foot Guard (PFG), Infantry, Aegis Fragment - 155
Paladin Foot Guard (PFG), Infantry, Aegis Fragment - 155

Elohi Horde* (E1), Large Infantry, Wine of Elvenkind - 310
Elohi Horde* (E2), Large Infantry, Brew of Strength - 310

Gur Panther Troop (GP1), Cavalry - 85
Gur Panther Troop (GP1), Cavalry - 85

Ur-Elohi (UE), Hero (Large Infantry) - 200
Gneaus Sallustis (GS), Hero (Large Cavalry) - 180
Dictator (D), Hero (Infantry) - 90