
Sunday, 28 April 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 31 - 2019/04/27


In third round of the Ascending Valhalla tournament I played against Asiatic Successors army commanded by Geoff. Once again I got to play against the force that is almost perfectly historically matched. I must admit I am always happy when I have the opportunity to play against such faction so that we can reenact some episodes from the Wars of Alexander's Successors.

What was even more important for me was that I had a great pleasure to play against Geoff. I consider him as my MeG mentor as Geoff was my very first opponent at the the very first tournament I participated in. Back then I was not yet sure if I want to commit to a new system. But thanks to his infinite patience I learned enough to keep going. Thanks to his enthusiasm I made a decision to invest in first models and build a proper army. It was thus fantastic that after all this time I finally had a chance to play against Geoff again!

As in the game against Phil, I was very curious about Geoff's choices and I must say I was very intrigued by what I saw. In short, only two TuG's of Phalangites, only three units of infantry and the rest cavalry and elephants! Here are the details:

Asiatic Successors - Army List

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 30 - 2019/04/25


In the second game of the tournament I had a great pleasure to play against Phil and his Alexandrian Macedonian army. I have not played against Phil before so it was great meeting him and have an opportunity to face a new opponent. 

Playing against Alexandrian Macedonian with Seleucid army has something special in it. When on top of that Army Commander is Alexander the Great himself, it is like having a sparring match with the master! I was very curious about the outcome of this battle and equally interested on what Phil decided to take with his army in particular. In theory, our armies are quite similar, one evolving from another. In such cases small differences may result in quite different outcomes. Here are the details of Phil's army list:

Alexandrian Macedonian - Army List

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Game 116 - Elves - 2019/04/21


In the third and last game of the local tournament, Capitol Bash I, I played against another army of Elves, commanded by Glen. His armies are always created with the use of Mantic models only and his Elven force was no exception.

The army itself was also designed in a completely different way as it was based around horde units and had a few units that I didn't have in mine. Here are the details of the army Glen brought to the tournament, with the exception of artifacts that I, unfortunately, cannot recall at this stage.

Elves - Army List

40 Therennian Sea Guard (A1), Horde, Infantry, Bows, Phalanx
- Bolt Thrower (BT1), War Engine, Blast (D3), Piercing (2), Reload!
- Green Lady [1] (GL), Hero, Infantry, Individual, Inspiring, Fly, Heal (8), Pathfinder, Regeneration (5+)

40 Therennian Sea Guard (SG), Horde, Infantry, Bows, Phalanx
- Bolt Thrower (BT1), War Engine, Blast (D3), Piercing (2), Reload!
- Elven King (K), Hero, Infantry, Individual, Inspiring, Crushing Strength (1)

6 Awoken Guardians [1] (AG), Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Lifeleech (2), Mindthirst, Shambling, Pahtfinder Vanguard
- Bolt Thrower (BT1), War Engine, Blast (D3), Piercing (2), Reload!
- Tree Herder (TH), Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (3), Inspiring, Pathfinder, Surge (8), Vanguard

10 Storm Wind (S), Regiment, Cavalry, Thunderous Charge (2) 
- Elven King (K), Hero, Infantry, Individual, Inspiring, Crushing Strength (1)
- Windborne [1] (W), Troop, Cavalry,  Nimble, Windborne Arrows

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 29 - 2019/04/20


After a month or so after CanCon 2019, I participated in another Mortem et Gloriam tournament. This time it was organized by Andrew in Campbelltown near Sydney. Luckily for me, there were a few players from Canberra planning to attend as well. Dean was kind enough to offer me a lift to and from Campbelltown. The journey definitely passed faster when discussing all things related to Mortem et Gloriam!

The tournament was organized at the shop called Hall of Heroes. It was open format and armies had to be at 10,000 points per side. There were 15 players attending and there was an interesting mix of armies present. 

In my first game I played against Early Imperial Roman army, commanded by Tony. It was the first game of Mortem et Gloriam for Tony, although he is a very experienced wargamer. it just happened to be the first opportunity for him to try a new system. Here are the details of the army Tony brought to the event:

Early Imperial Roman - Army List

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Game 115 - Forces of the Abyss - 2019/04/13


In the second round of the local tournament, Capitol Bash I,  I played against Nick who commanded beautifully modeled and painted army of Forces of the Abyss. I often wish I had more time in between the games or even a period long enough to show armies on display. Simply to wonder around and admire people's armies. This was such a case and I do hope to see Nick's army in action more often!

Forces of the Abyss is the foundation type of a faction for world of Mantica and I am glad to see it being represented. I have not had many opportunities to play against it and more importantly, I finally had an opportunity and great pleasure to play against Nick!

With CoK2019 updates, Force of the Abyss also received a few new things to try out and Nick chose quite a few new options. Here is the army he brought to the event:

Forces of the Abyss

40 Lower Abyssals (LA), Horde, Infantry, Regeneration (5+), Formation: The Great Arch Host
- Winged Archfiend of Abyss (A), Hero, Monster, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Fury, Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (2), Vicious,  Formation: The Great Arch Host, Mind Fog (1)

6 Molochs (M1), Horde, Large Infantry, Base 50x50mm, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration (5+), Formation: The Great Arch Host
6 Molochs (M2), Horde, Large Infantry, Base 50x50mm, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration (5+), Formation: The Great Arch Host

6 Twisted Victims: Tortured Souls [1] (TV) , Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Lifeleech (2)
- Abyssal Harbinger, Hero, Individual, Inspiring, Firebolts, Fury, Piercing (1), Regeneration (5+), Banner of Griffin

6 Abyssal Despoilers (AD1), Horde, Large Cavalry, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration (5), Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious 
- Ba'su'su the Vile [1], Hero, Individual,  Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Inspiring (Gargoyles only), Regeneration (5+), Vicious

6 Abyssal Despoilers (AD2), Horde, Large Cavalry, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration (5), Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious, Potion of Caterpillar (Pathfinder)

6 Abyssal Despoilers (AD3), Horde, Large Cavalry, Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Fury, Regeneration (5), Thunderous Charge (1), Vicious, Brew of Haste (+1 Speed)

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 28 - 2019/04/11


In the second practice game prior to the next event I had a great pleasure to play against Dean from Olympian Games. Dean usually organizes tournaments for Mortem et Gloriam enthusiasts but this time he was to participate one. And needed a sparring partner to test his army. I was happy to accept the challenge!

Last time we played against each other Dean had great looking Parthain army. However, this time he brought the force of French Ordonnance. I have never had an opportunity to play against it but I expected similar units to those I fought against in 100 Years' French armies. 

Here are the details of the army Dean had. We played at 10,000 per side:

French Ordonnance - Army List


Army Commander (AC) - Professional
Subordinate General (CP1) - Professional
Subordinate General (CP2) - Professional
Subordinate General (CP3) - Professional



4 Ordonnance Men-at-Arms (VdG) - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Armored Horse/Fully Armored, Charging Lancer, Devastating Chargers, Dismountable, Melee Expert
4 Italian Knights (IK) - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Average, Armored Horse/Fully Armored, Charging Lancer, Devastating Chargers, Melee Expert
4 Feudal Knights (FK) - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Fully Armored, Charging Lancer, Devastating Chargers, Dismountable, Melee Expert

6 Archers (A1) - Infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Powerbow, Stakes 
6 Archers (A2) - Infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Powerbow, Stakes 
6 Archers (A3) - Infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Powerbow, Stakes  
6 Archers (A4) - Infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Powerbow, Stakes 
6 Archers (A5) - Infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Powerbow, Stakes 
8 Crossbowmen (C2) - Infantry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Crossbow
8 Pikemen (P) - Infantry, Formed Close, Average Protected, Pike, Shove

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Monster March 3 - Final


Welcome to the final post about Monster March 3 painting and modelling challenge! In the final post I will once again present the participants and the projects they pledged this year.

But before I do this I would like to thank all and each one of the participants for your contributions. It goes without saying that the challenge would not be what it is without you. Thank you so much! It was absolute pleasure to host it for you again and as before, I am always amazed and inspired by all of you!

I must admit I had a bit of a doubt if I can host it this year. However, when Ed asked me if there is going to be Monster March this year, I cast my concerns aside and said yes! I realized that this is what I need to do especially when real life interferes and it seems that spare time is shrinking and shrinking. It is amazing, however, how committing to such project helps to find time and organize other activities accordingly.

I am really happy I did not give up and without further ado, here are the participants and their final projects for Monster March 3!

Monday, 1 April 2019

Game 114 - Ogres - 2019/04/01


After a few games online on Universal Battle 2, I have had a good opportunity to play with real models again. We had a small, local tournament organized by Tas - Capitol Bash I.

There were only 7 of us participating. I think it was just unlucky coincidence that many regular players could not attend this time. The event was organize more as a relaxed group together so we did not use chess clocks. There were three rounds, armies were at 2250 points and Black Jack scoring system was used. The factions represented were: 2 x Ogres, Trident Realms, Kingdoms of Men, Forces of the Abyss, 2 x Elves.

In the first round I was about to play against John and his Ogre army. I have never had a chance to play against John before so I was glad we finally had an opportunity to do so!

Here are the details of the army John brought for this event:

Ogres - Army List

6 Warriors (W1), Large Infantry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1)
- Mammoth (M), Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Thunderous Charge (2), Steady Aim, Strider, Mounted Ballista 
- Grokagamok[1] (G2), Hero, Large Infantry, The Amputator, Crushing Strength (3), Nimble, Very Inspiring

6 Berserker Braves (BB), Large Infantry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1)
- Giant (G1), Monster, Fury, Crushing Strength (3), Strider 
- Warlock (W), Hero, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Inspiring (Berserkers Only), Lightning (3), Nimble, Fennulian Amulet

6 Siege Breakers (SB), Large Infantry, Horde, Big Shields, Crushing Strength (3), Thunderous Charge (1)
- Army Standard, Hero, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength, Inspiring, Nimble

6 Shooters (B), Large Infantry, Horde, Heavy Crossbows, Crushing Strength (1), Piercing (2), Reload!
- Nomagarok, Hero, Large Infantry, Bane Chant (2), Brutal, Crushing Strength (1), Firebolts, Heal (3), Inspiring, Nimble, Piercing (1), Vicious, Bloodlust

3 Warriors (W2), Large Infantry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1)

40 Red Goblin Rabble* (RGR), Infantry, Horde, Irregular