
Thursday, 31 January 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - CanCon 2019 - Introduction - 2019/01/31


One of the biggest games related event in Australia is CanCon. It takes place during the first long weekend of January and this year it was 26-28th. It is held in Canberra and attracts large crowd of enthusiasts of a huge variety of games. People attend tournaments, events, visit trade stands and participate in many different activities.

I attended my first CanCon in 2011 and I missed only a single event since then. I have always participated in 3 day tournament and this year was no different. However, this time I took part in Mortem et Gloriam event, organized by Dean from Olympian Games. Unfortunately, Dean was not an active participant as he was busy advertising Mortem et Gloriam to as many potential players at his trading stand as possible. 

Sixteen players registered and all of them arrived to the venue safely. It was great to see players coming even from Perth to attend the event and we had a great variety of armies. Here is the list of players and their respective armies:

1 Stephen - Arab Conquest
2 Andrew C. - Numidians
3 Andrew W. - Picts
4 Mitchell - County of Edessa
5 Carl - Khurisanian
6 Pawel - Early Selucids
7 David - Macedonian Succesor
8 Dru - Alamanni
9 Geoff - Senguko Samurai
10 Leigh - Mid Republican Romans
11 Paul - Imperial Roman
12 Craig - Graeco-Bactrian
13 Trevor - Tutonic Order
14 Robert - Mid Republican Romans
15 Jacob - Mid Republican Romans
16 Stephen - 100 Yrs War - French

It was also good to see that Romans were quite popular as I hoped to get as many relatively accurate historical match-ups as possible.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Will who helped us with checking the army lists prior to the event! (Check out his blog for MeG content -

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 20 - 2019/01/24


With CanCon2019 coming soon, it was a good idea to have a practice game at required 10,500 points. Especially that my recent games were at 7000 points and under Magna version of the rules.

Fortunately for me, Paul was also looking for an opponent and we decided to have a re-match. Last time Paul's Foederate Romans were defeated so there was a score to settle!

We both had to make minor changes so that our armies followed the updated army lists for respective factions. However, in general it seemed that both forces were almost exactly the same as last time. Perfect setting for a re-match!

Foederate Romans - Army List


Army Commander - Talented Professional
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 3 - Mediocre Professional


Camp - Formed Loose, Poor, Fortified

6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover 
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover 
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover  
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover  

4 Upgraded Foederate Cavalry -  Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Devastating Charger, Melee Expert
4 Upgraded Foederate Cavalry -  Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Devastating Charger, Melee Expert
4 Equites - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert
4 Equites - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert 
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert 
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert  


6 Auxilia Sagittarii - Infantry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

6 Equites Saggittari - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Bow, Experienced, Combat Shy 
6 Equites Saggittari - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Bow, Experienced, Combat Shy

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Game 106 - Undead - 2019/01/20


The very first battle of Kings of War in 2019 was played with real models! I consider that a really great start of a new year. Especially, that it has been a few months since I had a game like that.

January is also a time for practice for upcoming big event CanCon2019. Chris and I were still on holidays and we used that opportunity to organize a game at a local store. 

I have played against Chris and his super-cool old-school Undead army a few times so far. However, it has been a while since our last game too. I was thus really happy we could play again. Especially that he posted a few pictures of his new, Vampire Lord on Undead Elder Dragon and I really wanted to see that beast in action.

Here are the details of the army list:

Undead - Army List

10 Soul Reaver Cavalry, Regiment, Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Lifeleech (2), Thunderous Charge (2)
- 10 Wraiths, Troop, Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Shambling
- 10 Ghouls, Troop, Infantry
- Vampire Lord on Undead Elder Dragon, Hero, Monster, Fly, Crushing Strength (3), Inspiring, Lifeleech (2), Breath Attack (12), Boots of Levitation

3 Zombie Trolls, Regiment, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (2), Shambling, Lifeleech (2)
- Cursed Pharaoh, Hero, Infantry, Individual, Inspiring, Regeneration (5+),  Surge (6), Crushing Strength (2), Wings of Honeymaze

6 Werewolves, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Nimble 
- Necromancer, Hero, Infantry, Individual, Surge (8), Inspiring Talisman

6 Wights, Horde, Large Infantry, Brutal, Crushing Strength (3), Shambling
- Balefire Catapult, War Engine, Blast (D6 +2), Indirect Fire, Piercing (2), Reload!, Shambling, Vicious

6 Barrow Wights [1], Horde, Large Infantry, Brutal, Crushing Strength (3), Shambling, Fly
- Balefire Catapult, War Engine, Blast (D6 +2), Indirect Fire, Piercing (2), Reload!, Shambling, Vicious

Sunday, 13 January 2019

2018 Summary - Part 2 - Mortem et Gloriam


The second part of my 2018 Summary is dedicated to Mortem et Gloriam - historical system that I discovered at the beginning of the year and to which I committed some time in April.

I must admit that I did not initially plan to embark on such journey. In general, I prefer to focus on a single system as that allows me to divide spare time between gaming and painting models for a single army.

However, my brother convinced me to give it a go. I luckily had a collection of 10mm models I bought long time ago to play Warmaster Ancients. It has never happened, mainly due to lack of opponents. The collection was big enough to create a small army and try out the new game.

In the end I found myself fully committed to the new system, painting new units, playing games and attending tournaments. In this post I would like to share my experiences as I have really enjoyed the journey so far. 

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 19 - 2019/01/05


In the last game of the tournament I played against the army of Early Arab Conquest commanded by Steve. I have already played against Steve a few times so far and I learned to be very careful! He is a very skilled player, no wonder he won the last event we both attended, WinterCon 2018.

For this event Steve brought Early Arab Conquest army that is a bit different to his usual force (at least from my point of view).  Visually, the army looked similar, however, although I was curious about the details. Here is the army list Steve used in the tournament:

Early Arab Conquest - Army List

Army Commander - Talented Instinctive
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Instinctive


Camp - Mobile, Average


4 City Cavalry, Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Long Spear  
4 Bedouin Cavalry, Cavalry, Formed Flexible, Average, Unprotected, Long Spear, Combat Shy

6 Warriors, Infantry, Tribal Close, Superior, Protected, Shieldwall, Integral Shooters
6 Warriors, Infantry, Tribal Close, Superior, Protected, Shieldwall, Integral Shooters
6 Warriors, Infantry, Tribal Close, Superior, Protected, Shieldwall, Integral Shooters
4 Warriors, Infantry, Tribal Close, Superior, Protected, Shieldwall, Integral Shooters
4 Warriors, Infantry, Tribal Close, Superior, Protected, Shieldwall, Integral Shooters
6 Bedouin Infantry, Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin, Short Spear


4 Camel Mounted Scouts, Camelry,  Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

4 Skirmishing Archers, Infantry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy
4 Skirmishing Archers, Infantry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 18 - 2019/01/03


In the second game of the tournament I faced another historical opponent of the Seleucid army - Classical Indians. The army was commanded by Paul and I had a great pleasure to play against him a few months ago during WinterCon2018 tournament. It seemed that we had a perfect opportunity for a re-match!

Of course with 7000 points as opposed to 10,000 the conditions were not exactly the same. However, with Magna style rules for army compositions our respective forces kept their character and, in fact, were not that much smaller than before. At least that was my visual impression! Here are the details of the army that Paul brought to this event.

Classical Indian - Army List


Army Commander - Talented Instinctive
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Instinctive


Camp(C2) - Unfortified, Average


3 Elephants (E) - Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Shove
3 Elephants (EwF) - Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Bow, Shove

4 Cavalry (C1) - Cavalry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin

3 Chariots (C3) - Battle Chariots, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Experienced, Bow 

6 Javelinmen (J) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelinmen, Short Spear
6 Javelinmen (J2) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelinmen, Short Spear

4 Archers (A1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bows
4 Archers (A1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bows
3 Spearmen & 3 Archers (SaA1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected/Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Short Spear
3 Spearmen & 3 Archers (SaA2) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected/Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Short Spear
3 Spearmen & 3 Archers (SaA) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected/Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Short Spear


4 Skirmishers with Bow (SwB) - Infantry, Skirmisher, Poor, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy
4 Skirmishers with Bow (SwB) - Infantry, Skirmisher, Poor, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy
4 Skirmishers with Bow (SwB) - Infantry, Skirmisher, Poor, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 17 - 2019/01/01


Happy New Year! I hope you had a great celebrations and that you are now ready to embark on a new journey through 2019!

What better start for the new content of the blog for 2019 than a battle report? Fortunately, I still have three games to write about from the one-day event I participated in at the beginning of December. 

This event was organized by Dean from Olympian Games and was aimed, much as the first event of that type in April 2018, to help potential new players to learn the rules. This time, however, we were going to use Magna version for Mortem et Gloriam. If you are interested in the details, here is the link to the document with the rules modifications:

This version of the rules was designed to allow for quicker and more decisive games. Hence, the idea for the event was that we would aim to complete three games in one day, with two hours allocated per battle. That would allow for more interaction between the participants and help the newcomers in particular in gaining as much experience as possible.

The event attracted a lot of attention and we had 14 participants, including players coming out of Canberra, just for that event. It was really great because in just a few months one could see how much Mortem et Gloriam gained in terms of popularity. I really hope this trend will continue, especially that there were a few spectators, actively looking for more information on the system. 

The first round was organized in a way that would allow more experienced players to play against  newcomers. In this way new players should have been able to learn the rules quicker. And wherever possible, the first round matched armies from the similar historical periods.

I had an honor and great pleasure to play against Dean himself and his beautifully painted Parthians! As expected, it was fully mounted army, with half of it being Horse Archers and the other half fully armored Cataphracts! Here are the details:

Parthians - Army List


Army Commander - Talented Instinctive
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 3 - Competent Instinctive


Camp - Mobile, Poor 


4 Royal Guard Cataphracts - Cavalry, Tribal Close, Superior, Fully Armored, Long Spear, Devastating Chargers, Shove
4 Royal Guard Cataphracts - Cavalry, Tribal Close, Superior, Fully Armored, Long Spear, Devastating Chargers, Shove
4 Cataphracts - Cavalry, Tribal Close, Average, Fully Armored, Long Spear, Devastating Chargers, Shove
4 Cataphracts - Cavalry, Tribal Close, Average, Fully Armored, Long Spear, Devastating Chargers, Shove
4 Cataphracts - Cavalry, Tribal Close, Average, Fully Armored, Long Spear, Devastating Chargers, Shove


4 Horse Archers - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Cantabrian 
4 Horse Archers - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Cantabrian
4 Horse Archers - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Cantabrian
4 Horse Archers - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Cantabrian
4 Horse Archers - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Cantabrian