
Monday, 26 November 2018

Game 101 - Night Stalkers - 2018/11/26


As the deadline to submit army lists for Australian Masters was getting closer, the preparation intensified.  I tried to find time for more frequent games so that Jeff could finalize the version of his force. This time he decided to test yet another idea, Night Stalkers with Abyssal Dwarves allies. 

Allied contingent is always an interesting option. For some, it may merely be a way to address the issue they perceive they chosen faction has. For others, it is a great opportunity to further personalize the army they play with. Even more so if that contributes to new modelling and painting projects.

Whatever the reason, it almost always makes the army look more varied as by default there is higher degree of diversity thanks to the presence of different units.

Here are the details of the army Jeff took this time:

Night Stalkers - Army List

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Void Lurker, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous Charge (1), This unit is not Stealthy, Darklord’s Onyx Ring
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble, Staying Stone
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)

3 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble, Dwarven Ale

3 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble, Diadem of Dragon-kind

Abyssal Dwarfs - Allies

3 Lesser Obsidian Golems, Large Infantry, Regiment, Height 3, Crushing Strength (2), Shambling
- Supreme Iron-caster on Great Winged Halfbreed, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fireball (10), Fly, Heal (4 – works only on War Engines, Golems and Immortal Guard), Inspiring

40 Slave Orcs, Infantry, Irregular, Crushing Strength (1), Yellow-Bellied,

Monday, 19 November 2018

Game 100 - Night Stalkers - 2018/11/19


After more than 3 years since I switched to Kings of War as the fantasy system of choice, I have just reached quite a milestone. 100 officially documented games in Kings of War! I am really happy about it and I just wish I reached it earlier :D

It was a very interesting journey and I plan to continue on this path. Clash of Kings 2019 supplement is around the corner and it seems that despite other distractions, I will be playing Kings of War for another year!

It seemed quite fitting that 100th game happened to be against Jeff too! I have been playing against him and his varied armies for some time lately. All of them, without any doubt, were great fun and I believe I learned a lot from the Master himself. It may be difficult sometimes to stand up after another defeat but I keep trying to find a way to victory. :)

He brought Night Stalkers to the game again but with some modifications:

Night Stalkers - Army List

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Void Lurker, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous Charge (1), This unit is not Stealthy
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Void Lurker, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous Charge (1),
This unit is not Stealthy
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)
- 10 Spectres, Infantry, Troop, Firebolt, Pathfinder, Piercing(1)

6 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble

6 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble

- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 15 - 2018/11/10


The most recent battle of Mortem et Gloriam saw my Seleucids fighting against Romans, this time of a Foederate flavor, commanded by Paul against whom I have played before. It was, thus, kind of a rematch or another installment of our sport rivalry!

I have not yet had a chance to play this type of the Roman army so I was really curious what is it going to look like. My first impression was that I am about to play against cavalry heavy army and it looks like my Seleucids are quite outnumbered in that department. Here are the details:

Foederate Romans - Army List


Army Commander - Talented Professional
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 3 - Mediocre Professional


Camp - Formed Loose, Poor, Protected

6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover 
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover 
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover  
6 Legions Auxila - Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Darts, Experienced, Shield Cover  

4 Upgraded Foederate Cavalry -  Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Devastating Charger, Melee Expert
4 Upgraded Foederate Cavalry -  Cavalry, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Devastating Charger, Melee Expert
4 Equites - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert
4 Equites - Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert 
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert 
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert  
4 Foederate Cavalry - Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear, Javelin, Unskilled, Melee Expert 


6 Equites Saggittari - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Bow, Experienced, Combat Shy 
6 Equites Saggittari - Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Bow, Experienced, Combat Shy

Monday, 5 November 2018

Game 99 - Night Stalkers - 2018/11/05


The tournament season in Australia has just come to an end and that means that top players are preparing for the Masters tournament. It will take place in Melbourne this year and will be held by the end of November.

As a defending Master, Jeff is understandably looking for the opportunities to prepare and play test potential armies for that event. I heard rumors that he even employed a sparring partner from UK to help him develop some new ideas to surprise the opponents at the tournament! :) 

I am glad I can also be included in the preparations, so not only I have a continuous opportunity to learn from Jeff but contribute to his preparations as well. The most interesting part, however, is that while I may be showcasing some variation of the army list Jeff is considering for taking today, I can almost guarantee that the army he will be playing with at the tournament is going to be different. Jeff tells me that he does not yet know himself what army he is going to take, so no worries, no secrets are revealed!

This time I was about to face Night Stalkers army. It could not be better timing with all the Vanguard releases, Halloween etc. Here are the details of the army list Jeff used:

Night Stalkers - Army List

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Void Lurker, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous Charge (1), This unit is not Stealthy
- Screamer, Monster, Height (2), Lightning Bolt (5)

40 Scarecrows, Infantry, Horde, Shambling
- Void Lurker, Hero, Monster, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Regeneration (5+), Thunderous Charge (1),
This unit is not Stealthy
- Screamer, Monster, Height (2), Lightning Bolt (5)

20 Scarecrows, Infantry, Regiment, Shambling
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble
- Screamer, Monster, Height (2), Lightning Bolt (5)

6 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble

6 Fiends, Large Cavalry, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Vicious
- Dread-Fiend, Hero, Large Cavalry,  Crushing Strength (2), Vicious, Nimble