
Sunday, 26 August 2018

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 8 - 2018/08/24


This is the first battle report from the event called WinterCon 2018 that took place in Canberra on 21-22 July 2018. There were quite a few tournaments for various games and system. Luckily Dean from Olympian Games organized one for Mortem et Gloriam enthusiasts.

It was quite relaxed, open format tournament where participants had to bring 10000 strong armies. Other than that there were no restrictions and we played 2 games each day. It meant that we had quite a lot of time for each game. It was good news for many of us who have only recently started learning the intricacies of the system.

If you are interested, here is the video from the event that nicely shows what games were represented. For MeG players the interview with Dean will definitely be an interesting one (MeG contents starts around 24:00 minutes):

In my first game I was about to play against Paul for whom it was the very first game in Mortem et Gloriam. It was my pleasure to try and pass on all the things I have learned in my few games so far. Paul brought the army of Classical Indian which he painted beautifully in just a few weeks time! I have never had a chance to play against such a force before so it was becoming more and more interesting. Especially, that one can imagine that it was one of the historical campaigns of the Seleucids in the East. 

Here are more details of the army Paul brought. I must apologize in advance as I realized I made some mistakes in the diagrams. First, I considered a single TuG as two (I think they were Javelinmen) and then I noticed that I did not add one TuG (it appeared on the diagrams at some stage). I also tried to recall which infantry units were actually present so I hope the list is acceptable in terms of following the flow of battle. If I get the correct version I will definitely update it accordingly.

Classical Indian - Army List


Army Commander - Talented Instinctive
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Instinctive
Subordinate General 3 - Mediocre Instinctive


Camp - Unfortified, Average


3 Elephants (E1) - Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Shove
3 Elephants (E2) - Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Shove
3 Elephants (E3) - Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced, Bow, Shove

4 Cavalry (C2) - Cavalry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin

3 Chariots (C3) - Battle Chariots, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Experienced, Bow
3 Chariots (C3) - Battle Chariots, Formed Loose, Superior, Protected, Experienced, Bow 

6 Javelinmen (J1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javlinmen, Short Spear
6 Javelinmen (J2) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javlinmen, Short Spear

9 Spearmen (S) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected, Short Spear
9 Archers (A1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bows
9 Archers (A1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Bows
3 Spearmen & 6 Archers (SA1) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected/Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Short Spear
3 Spearmen & 6 Archers (SA2) - Infantry, Tribal Loose, Protected/Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Short Spear


9 Skirmishers with Bow (SwB) - Infantry, Skirmisher, Poor, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy
9 Skirmishers with Bow (SwB) - Infantry, Skirmisher, Poor, Unprotected, Experienced, Bow, Combat Shy

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Game 93 - Trident Realm - 2018/08/21


Jeff and I continued our semi-regular Kings of War battles series. He was still working on his Trident Realms army and was checking different configurations. That allowed me to keep working on my tactics against this particular force. 

Jeff almost never fields exactly the same army so I expected some changes to be made. However, as he still played with his Trident Realms army I also expected certain elements that I met before. In the end, it is always a very interesting challenge where I need to balance what I think I know about the opposing army, what is new, how that changes the way the army operates and how to adapt my own approach to defeat it.

I also made a few changes to my army list, going back to troops rather than regiments in some cases. But also getting back regiment of Palace Guard. That meant some tweaks as well but let's have a look at what Jeff brought to the table this time:

Trident Realms - Army List

3 Depth Horrors , Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Fearless, Ensnare
- Depth Horror Eternal, Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring (Depth Horrors only), Nimble, Fearless, Ensnare

3 Depth Horrors , Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Fearless, Ensnare
- Depth Horror Eternal, Crushing Strength (2), Inspiring (Depth Horrors only), Nimble, Fearless, Ensnare

3 Depth Horrors , Regiment, Crushing Strength (1), Fearless, Ensnare
Rhordin the Dwarf, Hero, Infantry, Crushing Strength (3), Headstrong, Individual, Inspiring (Dwarfs Only)

20 Thuul, Regiment, Stealth, Ensnare, Speed 6
- Thuul Mythican, Hero, Individual, Crushing Strength (1), Stealth, Ensnare, Bane Chant (2), Inspiring (Thuul Only), Banner of Griffin

20 Thuul, Regiment, Stealth, Ensnare, Speed 6
- Thuul Mythican, Hero, Individual, Crushing Strength(1), Stealth, Ensnare, Bane Chant (2), Alchemist's Curse, Inspiring (Thuul Only), Speed 6
20 Thuul, Regiment, Stealth, Ensnare, Speed 6
- Thuul Mythican, Hero, Individual, Crushing Strength(1), Stealth, Ensnare, Bane Chant (2), Alchemist's Curse, Inspiring (Thuul Only), Speed 6

20 Thuul, Regiment, Stealth, Ensnare, Speed 6
- Naiad Wyrmrider Centurion, Hero, Large Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Inspiring, Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+), Thunderous Charge (1)

20 Thuul, Regiment, Stealth, Ensnare, Speed 6
- Naiad Wyrmrider Centurion, Hero, Large Cavalry, Crushing Strength (1), Inspiring, Pathfinder, Regeneration (4+), Thunderous Charge (1)

Monday, 20 August 2018

Mortem et Gloriam - Game 7 - 2018/08/20


It's been a while since I posted about Mortem et Gloriam battles but it was not due to lack of games. Quite the contrary! I focused on painting so that I had a bit more proper sized models for the (back then) upcoming WinterCon 2018 and I quickly found out with more games to write than time for it! What a fantastic situation! :)  

However, the games should not be neglected for too long as even with the photos taken as a documentary, memory fades and details tend to be forgotten. I quickly realized that when writing the report for this battle so I apologize in advance for some inaccuracies or moves that seem to be out of sequence. 

After a blood encounter with Imperial Romans, Paul agreed to have a re-match but this time he fielded an army of Mid-Republican Romans. Excellent! A perfect historical match! Here are the details of the force he brought (at least as I remember them).

Mid-Republican Roman


Army Commander - Talented Professional
Subordinate General 1 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 2 - Competent Professional
Subordinate General 3 - Mediocre Professional


Camp - Fortified, Average


Legion I
4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
2 Triari, Infantry, Drilled Close, Averate, Long Spear, Shove, Shield Cover

Legion II

4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
2 Triari, Infantry, Drilled Close, Averate, Long Spear, Shove, Shield Cover

Legion III 
4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
4 Hastati & Principes, Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons, Shield Cover, Melee Expert
2 Triari, Infantry, Drilled Close, Averate, Long Spear, Shove, Shield Cover

6 Italian Infantry, Drilled Flexible, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin, Short Spear
6 Spanish Scutari, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Impact Weapons
2 Elephants, Elephants, Tribal Loose, Average, Protected
4 Cavalry, Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin, Short Spear, Melee Expert
4 Cavalry, Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Unskilled, Javelin, Short Spear, Melee Expert


4 Numidian Cavalry, Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Skilled, Javelin
4 Numidian Cavalry, Cavalry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Skilled, Javelin
6 Leves, Infantry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Javelin, Combat Shy
6 Leves, Infantry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Javelin, Combat Shy
6 Leves, Infantry, Skirmisher, Average, Unprotected, Experienced, Javelin, Combat Shy

Monday, 13 August 2018

Game 92 - Samurai - 2018/08/13


In the last game of the tournament I had a great pleasure to play against another new opponent, Tony. He brought a great looking historical army with a bit of a mythical twist. Exactly what you would expect from a person with a great creativity and ability to accomplish very interesting modelling projects. Tony decided to try his Samurai army and I was really lucky to had a chance to play against this superb looking army. But he also spiced it up with some cool looking units he based on mythical creatures entry of the KoW Historical supplement. 

Samurai - Army List

40 Archers, Horde
- General, Hero, Individual, Very Inspiring, Crushing Strength (1), Mounted

40 Samurai, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Stealthy
- Musician, Hero, Individual, Rallying! (2)

40 Samurai, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Stealthy

40 Samurai, Horde, Crushing Strength (1), Fury, Stealthy

10 Samurai Cavalry, Regiment, Fury, Stealthy, Thunderous Charge (2) 

10 Samurai Cavalry, Regiment, Fury, Stealthy, Thunderous Charge (2) 

6 Winged Warriors, Horde, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Inspiring, Iron Resolve, Thunderous Charge (1)
- Winged Hero, Hero, Large Infantry, Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Heal (3), Inspiring, Thunderous Charge (1)

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Game 91 - Elves - 2018/08/08


First of all, I would like to apologize for a very long break in posting on the blog. In particular, my opponent from game 2, Tristan. Hopefully he will still enjoy it and recalling all the interesting moments!

Tristan brought the army of Elves as well so we were about to fight a civil war! In addition, the composition of his force was significantly different and that alone ensured a very interesting match up. However, Tristan also brought Green Lady and upgraded some of his units to the Formation: Honor Guard of the Green Lady. While I have had already a chance to play against this particular Living Legend Hero, I have never played against such Elven formation. I was very curious how it would affect the game play!

Here are the details of Tristan's Army:

Elves - Army List

40 Kindred Archers, Horde - 250
- Bolt Thrower, War Engine - 90

40 Kindred Tallspears, Horde - 230
- Green Lady, Hero, Individual, 2 Sabre-Toothed Pussycats, The Honor Guard of Green Lady (40) - 220 (260)

20 Palace Guard, Regiment - 150 
- Elven Mage, Hero, Individual, Sabre-Toothed Pussycat, Drain Life (6)

20 Palace Guard, Regiment - 150 
- Elven Mage, Hero, Individual, Bane-Chant (2)

10 Storm Wind, Regiment - 215 
- 5 Silver Breeze, Troop - 145
- Dragon Kindred Lord, Hero, Monster - 310