
Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Mini MeG 1 - Part 3


In the last part of the reports series from my first ever event in Mortem et Gloriam system, I would like to summarize my experiences, share the impressions about the game and even ask a few questions about the situations that occurred in the battles!

First of all, however, I would like to thank Dean from Olympian Games for organizing the event (and supplying much needed Camp, the best painted element in my army :)), Canberra Regional Wargame Group for hosting the tournament along their usual activities and my fantastic opponents, Geoff and Leigh for great games! One of the reasons I write the reports is that by doing so I can say "thank you!" to the organizers and the players. Without them, obviously, I would have not had such a fantastic time!

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Mini MeG 1 - Part 2


In the second game of MiniMeG 1 event I had a great pleasure to play against Leigh and his Early Merovingian Frank (481AD). It was quite interesting to have a game between armies so far apart in history. However, it is something that has to happen at the events unless one organizes a tournament where all participants bring forces from the same period. I must say that would be great too but for the small event for beginners it was perfectly fine to bring whatever players had at this moment.

I am sure it is also a challenge for designers of the game to come up with ideas that reflect how the armies of particular faction fought in their time and still allow for good games between armies that never faced each other in history.

Both Leigh and I played our very second game in MeG so the priority was to implement lessons from game 1 and learn as much as possible in game 2. For me, personally, my main objective was to maneuver in a way that would allow me to get into some combats to test the mechanics of the game in that phase. And to see what the Phalanx can do! 

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Mini MeG 1 - Part 1


Last week I attended a small event called Mini MeG 1 that was organized by Dean from Olympian Games . It was meant to be an opportunity for new players to learn how to play with the rules for a relatively new historical system called Mortem et Gloriam. The event was organized in the usual location for Canberra Regional Wargames Group whose members generously made some space for MeG players too!

It was really great for me because I was looking for a chance to learn the rules as I have never played games in that system before. It has some unique (at least for me) mechanics I was curious to try out. But as with every new game it is really helpful to be able to play against a more experienced opponent rather than trying to figure out the things on my own. 

Equally important was to meet new people and see what armies and periods are their favorite. I hoped I would be able to make some new contacts to be able to play in a more regular way.

We played two games as the idea was to have more time to learn the rules. The size of armies was 7000 points, no more than 3 commanders and we played on 4 x 4' tables. In this post I will talk about the system how I understand it at the moment and present a short report from the first game.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Game 85 - Empire of Dust - 2018/04/09


I was very hopeful after Clash of Kings Australia 2018 that I would be able to play on a regular basis with an updated army list. Despite the fact that I have plenty of the opportunities thanks to a very vibrant group of players here in Canberra, I was not able to find just enough time for a game. I must admit it was quite disappointing and I do need to try harder to better organize other activities for sure!

Fortunately, Ed and I planned another game some time ago so I managed to allocate enough time and lock it especially for that purpose. 

We both made changes after the release of CoK 2018 but while I made only few (as I explained in the summary of Clash of Kings Australia 2018), Ed decided it is time to bring another of his armies - Empire of Dust. It seems he decided on using it for his games in 2018 and I was very interested in seeing what is his approach with this faction like.

Here are the details of the list he used in our game:

Empire of Dust - Army List

40 Revenants, Horde
- Bone Giant, Monster 
- Ahmunite Pharaoh, Hero, Wings of Honeymaze, Surge (8)

20 Mummies, Regiment
- Bone Giant, Monster 

10 Skeleton Cavalry, Regiment
- Cursed High Priest, Hero, Mounted, Heal(4), Surge (10)

3 Revenant Chariots, Regiment
- Ahmunite Pharaoh on Royal Chariots, Hero, Surge (8)

6 Revenant Chariots, Horde
- Bone Dragon, Monster 
- Undead Army Standard Bearer, Hero, Mounted, Lute of Insatiable Darkness

Monday, 2 April 2018

Monster March 2 - Summary


Second Monster March is over and it was my absolute pleasure to host the painting challenge again!

I would like to thank all the participants for responding to the call. It was an honor to host you and to present your fantastic models at various stages, from assembly to finished, beautiful master pieces!

I would also like thank the guys from Kings of War Australia group who supported the initiative by changing the group photo regularly to showcase a monster painted by a group member. Cheers guys, it was awesome to have your support!

In this post I am going to summarize the painting challenge by posting the photos of the models participants sent that present their chosen model either as a finished project or in the most recent stage.