
Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Edge of the Abyss - The Great Wall! - Empire of Dust - 2017/09/27


The fifth scenario of the Edge of the Abyss campaign is played on the Ardovikian Plain where forces of good try to build a Great Wall in order to stop the green tide of Orcs pouring further into the lands of Men.

This time I had a great pleasure to play against Christo and his Empire of Dust army! I have never had a chance to play against him so it was great to finally do so. Empire of Dust, on the other hand, is not completely new foe for me but then I have not fought against this army for quite a long while. 

Christo brought the following army to our game:

Empire of Dust - Army List

40 Revenants, Horde, Brew of Strength
- Bone Giant, Monster
- Ahmunite Pharaoh, Hero, Wings of Honeymaze

20 Mummies, Regiment
- Reanimated Behemoth, Monster 
- Cursed High Priest, Hero, Heal (4), Shroud of the Saint
20 Mummies, Regiment
- Cursed High Priest, Hero, Heal (4)

6 Enslaved Guardian Archers, Horde, Chant of Hate

6 Enslaved Guardian Archers, Horde, Blessings of the Gods

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Edge of the Abyss - Twilight Glades - Night Stalkers - 2017/09/24


Battle number 4 of the Edge of the Abyss campaign takes place in Twilight Glades. Main opponents are Elves and Night Stalkers so I was lucky that Jules had time to field his fantastic army of various monsters and horrors from nightmares! 

It always great to play against him and this time we could add a bit of thematic feel to the game with terrain set up that was tailored to represent the Twilight Glades and fielding main opponents for the scenario.

Unlike in previous games this time my army got a special rule due to scenario so I was curious if and if yes how this would affect the way the army fights. As always, Jules was busy with painting more models and units to his great looking army. This time, in comparison to the army I played against several months ago at Clash of Kings, he added a unit of Fiends. 

Night Stalkers - Army List

60 Blood Warms, Legion, Brew of Strength
- Void Lurker, Hero, Brew of Haste
- Shadow Hulk, Monster

6 Fiends, Horde, Helm of the Ram
- Dread Fiend, Hero
- Planar Apparition, Monster

20 Spectres, Regiment
- Screamer, Monster

20 Phantoms, Regiment
- Screamer, Monster

3 Nightmares, Regiment

Friday, 15 September 2017

Edge of the Abyss - The Dead Fleet - Undead - 2017/09/15


Edge of the Abyss campaign continues! I must say I really enjoy the games, as they are a bit more relaxed without time pressure. I do like plaing with chess clocks during the tournaments but it also nice to have a bit of a break and play a few more casual games once in a while. 

This time I had I played against Chris and his evil Undead in a very fitting scenario - The Dead Fleet. I have played against Chris before but since it was quite a log time ago I was even more happy to do so! 

We also played in a different location as Chris suggested we should promoted Kings of War in another store in Canberra, Jolt. It is a very nice place to play too, with plenty of space and neat tables. I played there before and as it is relatively close I was happy to drop by.

Chris has a really cool army comprised of old school models. It is always great to see it assembled across the table and he constantly adds new units to it. The one he used in our game had:

Undead - Army List

20 Skeleton Archers, Regiment
- 10 Ghouls, Troop
- 10 Ghouls, Troop
- Revenant King on Undead Wyrm, Hero, Wings, Pipes of Terror

20 Reventants, Regiment, Undead Giant Rats
- 10 Soul Reaver Infantry, Troops
- 10 Wraiths, Troops
- Army Standard Bearer, Hero, Banner of the Griffin

20 Mummies, Regiment, Brew of Courage
- Cursed Pharaoh, Hero, Wings of Honeymaze

3 Zombie Trolls, Regiment
- Liche King, Heal(6)

6 Werewolves, Horde, Potion of Caterpillar 
- Necromancer, Hero

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Edge of the Abyss - March to War! - Orcs - 2017/09/12


Once given the signal, Forces of Evil march to war! In the second week of the campaign I had a great pleasure to play against Tasman, who is responsible for rallying the local players so that we too can contribute to the global campaign.

Tas is currently in the process of painting his brand new army, Orcs! It was thus the task for my Elves to stop the rampaging greenskins from doing even more harm to the world of Mantica. 

Tas modified his army list based on the experiences from the previous week and this is what he brought this time:

Orcs - Army List

6 Trolls, Horde
-War Drum, Monster
-Krudger on Winged Slasher, Hero
6 Trolls, Horde
-War Drum, Monster
- Grumtongue, Hero

20 Ax, Regiment 
- Flagger, Banner of Griffin
20 Ax, Regiment 
20 Ax, Regiment  

20 Moreax, Regiment 
20 Greatax, Regiment  

Orclings, Regiment
Orclings, Regiment
Orclings, Regiment

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Edge of the Abyss - On the Precipice - Twilight Kin - 2017/09/10


Edge of the Abyss campaign started on 28th August and I was very happy to join and contribute to this global event. Luckily for me, our fantastic local TO, Tas, already had some great plans and rallied KoW players to participate in weekly game night to fight for the future of Mantica. The friendly crew of Three D6 store hosted us and we had plenty of room to have several games being played simultaneously. 

The plan is to play each scenario in each week and then have a big battle at the very end of campaign. Hence, while I am reporting this game with a bit of delay it was actually played on 24/08/2017. As planned, we begun with the very first scenario "On the Precipice" that was fought at The Edges of the Abyss. Thanks to the fact that some players have few different armies it was possible to have equal numbers of Good and Evil forces. 

In the very first game of the campaign I had a pleasure to play against Mark and his Twilight Kin! I have played against Mark a few times so far but I think it was always against his Elven armies. He brought the following for the opening of the campaign:

Twilight Kin - Army List

40 Crosbowmen, Horde, Jar of the Four Winds
- 10 Shadows, Troops
- 10 Shadows, Troops
- Priestess, Hero
- Dragon Breath, War Engine

20 Blade Dancers, Regiment 
- Priestess, Hero  

20 Blade Dancers, Regiment 
- Army Standard, Hero

10 Dark Knights, Regiment, Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar
- Dark Lord on Pegasus, Hero
10 Dark Knights, Regiment, Blessing of the Gods
- Army Standard, Hero

Friday, 8 September 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Summary - 2017/09/08


It was really great to get back to playing Kings of War and even more so to attend such a fantastic tournament. 

Three D6 crew as always organized the venue in a perfect way so many thanks to them for being such a great host. Matt is doing stellar job as an organizer too and I personally feel very lucky to be in Canberra and be able to attend his tournaments. 

It was fantastic to see players from interstates to attend the local event and boost the numbers so that for the very first time we reached the maximum number of players for the tournament! 

And of course many thanks to all my opponents, Matt, Daniel, Kate and Ken for fantastic games! I hope I will have a chance to play again all of you and it was mainly thanks to you that I enjoyed the day so much. 

Thursday, 7 September 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Trident Realms - 2017/09/07


In the last game of the tournament I played against Ken "Chaaarge" who happened to be on a guest performance in Canberra. Ken is a very experienced player from Queensland and it was fantastic to have him attending our local event. However, Ken was not commanding his usual all mounted Varangur army this time but thanks to Tasman he played with superbly painted Trident Realms. 

It was thus a very interesting situation from my point of view because I had an honor to play against Ken for the very first time but against the army I met before. Another difference was though that the army composition differed a little from these Tasman used earlier.

Trident Realms - Army List

40 Placoderms, Hammer of Measured Force, Horde
- Trident King, Hero
- Leviathan's Bane, War Engine

6 Naiad Wyrm Riders, Brew of Courage, Horde
- Naiad Centurion, Banner of the Griffin, Hero
- Leviathan's Bane, War Engine

6 Depth Horrors, Mace of Crushing, Horde
- Kraken, Monster

6 Water Elementals, Brew of Haste, Horde
- Coral Giant, Monster

Saturday, 2 September 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Forces of Basilea - 2017/09/02


In the third game of the tournament I had a pleasure to play against Kate and her Forces of Basilea army. It was the first time I played against Kate. I must add that it is really great to know that there are so many Kings of War players in Canberra as I happen to meet new people every time I attend a tournament!  

Forces of Basilea is also quite an unique army and I am surprised that such a classic force for Mantic world does is not represented more often. What is more, Kate did a great job in terms of collecting fantastic Mantic models and I am sure her army will look fantastic when she finishes painting it. Hopefully, she will be attending the tournaments regularly too!

The army she assembled for the tournament had all the fantastic units that are trademarks for the Forces of Basilea, here is the list with the details. 

Forces of Basilea - Army List

20 Paladin Knights, Horde, Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
- High Paladin on Dragon, Hero, Blade of Slashing
- Phoenix, Monster

6 Sisterhood Panther Chariots, Horde, Brew of Sharpness
- War-Wizard, Hero, Soul Drain

6 Elohi, Horde, Blessing of the Gods
- War-Wizard, Hero, Soul Drain

20 Foot Guard, Regiment, two-handed weapons, Brew of Strength

20 Men-at-Arms, Regiment, Mace of Crushing