
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Ogres - 2017/08/30


In the second game I had a pleasure to play against Ogres commanded by Daniel. I have never had a chance to play against Daniel before so I was very happy to meet a new player! Daniel told me he used to play a lot of historical systems so it is good to know that Kings of War became his chosen fantasy system.

I have had a chance to play against Ogres before, however, so I knew I am to have a tough nut to crack. This was to be a battle between armies with quite different approach to warfare by default. However, Daniel emphasized melee aspect with his force even more. Here is his army list:

Ogres -Army List

6 Warriors, Horde, Dwarven Ale (Headstrong)
- Grokagamok, Hero
- Giant, Monster

6 Warriors, Horde, Brew of Haste (+1 Speed)
- Warlord, Hero 
- Giant, Monster

6 Warriors, Horde
- Red Goblin Blaster, Monster

6 Warriors, Horde
- Red Goblin Blaster, Monster 

6 Shooters, Horde

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Dwarfs - 2017/08/26

Brocks, Rocks and Glocks!

In the first game of the Valley of Kings 3.1 event I was honored to be challenged by Matt, our local tireless Tournament Organizer and the man behind organizing Clash of Kings in Australia himself! 

I was very happy to play against Matt again as not only he is a top bloke and a absolute pleasure to play against but we also started to develop a Saga of battles between classic enemies in almost any fantasy world - Dwars vs Elves. 

As Matt built his army with fantastic models I was also looking forward to see them in action again as they look awesome on the battle field. While I decided to keep almost the same army as in our previous encounters, Matt kept experimenting in the meantime. As a result, a version of his force called affectionately "Brocks, Rocks and Glocks" was fielded this time.

Dwarfs - Army List

6 Earth Elementals, Horde
- Organ Gun, War Engine
- Stone Priest, Hero, Bane Chant (2), Surge (8), Banner of Griffin
- Greater Earth Elemental, Monster

6 Earth Elementals, Horde
- Organ Gun, War Engine
- Berserker Lord, Mounted, Hero, Sparkstone

10 Berserker Brock Riders, Regiment, Blessing of the Gods (Elite)
- 5 Berserker Brock Riders, Troops
- 5 Berserker Brock Riders, Troops
- Berserker Lord, Mounted, Hero

10 Berserker Brock Riders, Regiment, Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder)
- Organ Gun, War Engine

Sunday, 20 August 2017

The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Introduction - 2017/08/20


It's been a while since the last tournament I took part in and even since I posted a report from any game of Kings of War. It was absolutely not planned and I am sorry I could not find a way to cut this break short earlier.

The good news, however, is that I have just attended another fantastic local tournament in Canberra, organized by a great TO Matt and hosted by awesome ThreeD6 guys! It was one day, 4 games event that this time attracted 24 players - the maximum numbers that could be hosted that day! What is more, in addition to great local gamers who tired their best to be there, we also had a strong contingent of players coming from interstates. 

It was absolutely fantastic and I hope that in the future there will be a chance to host even more players. As to the event itself, we played Clash of Kings 2017 version of the players pack so I had a chance to potentially play one of the new scenarios. Also historical armies were allowed but with fantasy version of the core rules (e.g. hills are not treated like a difficult terrain etc.)

For the full pack follow this link: The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Player's Pack

If you are interested in checking the scores, army lists and which factions were represented, please, follow this link: The Valley of Kings 3.1 - Results

As usual, I would like to present some introduction before I get to the detailed report from each battle.