
Sunday, 24 January 2016

KoW Game 12 - Abyssal Dwarfs - 2016/01/22


I had quite a break in gaming or general hobby so I am very happy to announce a new report, the very first in 2016! This game was long overdue and only thanks to an infinite patience of my opponent, Dustin, it actually happened in the end. Thanks so much for not giving up on me, Dustin! And sincere apologies for the fact I had to postpone our game for so long.

The good thing was that in the meantime Dustin tested a few versions of his list and settled on a very intriguing formation he called "The Brick"! 

Abyssal Dwarfs - Army List

40 Decimators, Horde, Heart-Seeking Chant (+1 Piercing) - 285
- Dragon-Fire Team, War Machine - 50
- Overmaster on Great Abyssal Dragon, Hero, Ensorcelled Armor (+1 Def) - 315
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80

6 Lesser Obsidian Golems, Horde, Diadem of Dragon-Kind (Breath Weapon 10) - 240
- Dragon-Fire Team, War Machine - 50
- Abyssal Half-Breed Champion, Hero, Wings of Honeymaze (Flight and Spd 10) - 200

3 Lesser Obsidian Golems, Regiment - 135
- Iron-caster, Fireball (6), Heal (3), Surge (8), Inspiring Talisman - 140

3 Lesser Obsidian Golems, Regiment - 135
- Iron-caster, Fireball (6), Heal (3), Surge (8), Myrddin's Amulet of the Fireheart (Cast twice 1/game) - 130