
Saturday, 19 December 2015

KoW Game 11 - Forces of Basilea - 2015/12/18


I was very lucky that my good friend, Darth Sabre (check out his blog here: Darth's Miniature Wargaming Adventures) found some time for another intercontinental, time traveling gaming experience in the magic world of Mantica. Among his many hobby projects, Darth is looking for his perfect Basilean army list and in addition to that, he also wanted a revenge after our previous encounters. His new army, inspired by a great collection of Lord of the Rings miniatures (looks like Gondor is a fantastic range for Basilean army!), took the following shape:

Forces of Basilea - Army List

40 Crossbowmen, Horde, Brew of Keen-eyeness (+1 to hit) - 260
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- Priest, Hero, Bane Chant- 90
- Phoenix, Monster - 165

10 Paladin Knights, Regiment - 210
- High Paladin on Griffin, Hero, Diadem of Dragon-Kind (Breath Attack (10)) - 240

6 Elohi, Horde, Blessing of the Gods (Elite) - 325

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

20 Men-at-Arms (Spear & Shield) - 135

20 Men-at-Arms (Spear & Shield) - 135

Saturday, 5 December 2015

KoW Game 10 - Forces of Abyss - 2015/12/04


Encouraged by his most recent victory, my regular opponent - Eastern Barbarian - decided he is going to bring his Forces of Abyss army once again. It is 1:1 between us at the moment so I am sure he wanted to prove it was not a coincidence he won. While I was happy to get a chance for a revenge! He used exactly the same army as last time while I had to correct the mistake I unknowingly overlooked.

Forces of Abyss - Army List

20 Succubi, Regiment, Mace of Crushing - 195
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- Abyssal Temptress, Hero, Bane Chant, Wind Blast - 135

20 Succubi, Regiment - 190
- The Well of Souls - 275

20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140

20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140
- Efreet, Hero, Inspiring Talisman - 155

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 235

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Brew of Haste (+1 Speed) - 230

6 Tortured Souls, Horde, Blade of Slashing - 225

Friday, 27 November 2015

KoW Game 9 - Salamanders - 2015/11/26


This time I am going to present a report from the battle against Mr. laribold who recently has defeated me in 9th Age with his Reptilians. We started the game on Friday 13th but had to stop in the middle of turn 3. We managed to finish the game yesterday which is great because, unfortunately, saved games tend to remain unfinished. 

Another interesting fact is that laridbold initially wanted to play with Forces of Nature but some trials in his gaming club showed he didn't quite like the army after all. Then, in the break we had, he also played a couple of games with Salamanders and we already know that his army evolved significantly from what he used against me. 

Salamanders - Army List

20 Salamander Primes, Regiment - 140
- 10 Ghekkotah Hunters, Blowpipes - 100
- 10 Ghekkotah Hunters, Blowpipes - 100
- Clan Lord on Fire Drake, Hero - 235

20 Ancients, Regiment - 170
- 10 Ghekkotas Hunters, Bows - 120 
- 10 Ghekkotas Hunters, Bows - 120 
- Mage-Priest, Hero, Fireball(10) - 90

20 Ceremonial Guard, Regiment - 160
-   Herald, Hero - 60

6 Tyrants, Horde - 210
- Komodon, Monster - 125

10 Kaisenor Lancers, Regiment - 170

3 Ancients on Rhinosaurs, Regiment - 180

Thursday, 19 November 2015

KoW Game 8 - Forcess of Abyss - 2015/11/18


I have had two games of Kings of War recently but the first one was not finished yet. Hopefully we will be able to find time to do it as I am very curious about the outcome in the scenario. In the second game, I played a re-match against Eastern Barbarian and his Forces of Abyss. We had some great feedback on Mantic Forum about our previous encounter and EB was very eager to incorporate new ideas as well as test his modified army list. We also decided to try a scenario to spice it all up too!

Forces of Abyss - Army List

20 Succubi, Regiment, Mace of Crushing - 195
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- Abyssal Temptress, Hero, Bane Chant, Wind Blast - 135
20 Succubi, Regiment - 190
- The Well of Souls - 275
20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140

20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140 
- Efreet, Hero, Inspiring Talisman - 155
10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 235 

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Brew of Haste (+1 Speed) - 230

6 Tortured Souls, Horde, Blade of Slashing - 225

Thursday, 12 November 2015

KoW Game 7 - Forcess of Abyss - 2015/11/11


After first KoW game between myself and Eastern Barbarian we decided it cannot go without a re-match. It was only a matter of time. However, EB also was wondering if he should bring Orcs again or shall he try Forces of Abyss instead, that looked very interesting to him from the very beginning. It is quite typical for EB to jump into new game and tackle a few forces at the same time and he decided to give Mantic Daemons a go! 

Forces of Abyss - Army List

20 Succubi, Regiment, Mace of Crushing - 195
10 Flamebearers, Troop - 105
10 Flamebearers, Troop - 105
- Abyssal Temptress, Hero, Bane Chant - 105

20 Succubi, Regiment - 190
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- Chroneas, Monster - 210

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 235  
- Abyssal Champion, Hero, mounted - 155

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment - 215 
Abyssal Harbinger, Hero - 60

3 Tortured Souls, Regiment - 145

6 Molochs, Horde - 200

Thursday, 5 November 2015

KoW Game 6 - Basileans - 2015/11/05


I was very lucky as Darth had time for a rematch. He considered bringing some Elves this time but decided to give Basileans another go. I must say I was glad about this decision because Basileans are truly the army of Mantica and I think they can be a formidable opponent. Darth made quite a few changes in comparison to our first game and here is the list he used this time:

Basileans - Army List

40 Crossbowmen, Horde, Brew of Keen-eyeness (+1 to hit) - 260
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- Priest, Hero, Bane Chant, Kevinar's Flying hammer - 95
- Heavy Arbalest - 65

10 Paladin Knights, Regiment - 210
- Heavy Arbalest - 65

3 Elohi, Regiment - 195
- Ur-Elohi, Hero, Ensorcelled Armor (+1 Defense) - 215

3 Elohi, Regiment - 195
- Phoenix, Monster - 165

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

KoW Game 5 - Orcs - 2015/11/03


I have finally convinced Eastern Barbarian (or wardancer on some forums) that it is a good idea to give KoW a try. I actually didn't have to do much convincing but as always it is more of a problem with EB himself. You see, he simply plays so many games ( I really lost tracks of what he currently plays and collects) that I had to queue for my turn and was just lucky it was with KoW this time. :)

EB considered two army lists for his first KoW game and decided to take Orcs (Abyssals was the other option). It was more challenging choice because Orcs are considered to be more difficult army to command due to general lack of flying units (with the exception of some characters) and shooting. However, my first game against Orcs showed they hit hard and are not that easy to outmaneuver either.

Here is the list EB took:

Orcs - Army List

40 Ax, Horde, Dwarven Ale - 215
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- War Drum, Monster - 80
- Krudger, Hero, mounted, Goblin Zappy Sneak - 165

20 Ax, Regiment - 125
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- Godspeaker, Hero, Fireball (9), Heal (2) - 85

20 Moreax, Regiment - 200
- Giant, Monster - 190

10 Gore Riders, Regiment - 185

10 Gore Riders, Regiment - 185

6 Trolls, Horde - 190

3 Fight Wagons, Regiment - 170

Monday, 26 October 2015

KoW Game 4 - Basileans - 2015/10/26


I had another opportunity to play KoW recently. My good friend, Darth Sabre, was interested in giving it a go and chose Basileans, one of the main factions in Mantica, that is unique to this world. I was glad to face them as it is always good to learn more about my own force when fighting against variety of opponents.

Basileans - Army List

40 Men-at-Arms, Horde, Spears & Shields - 225
- 5 Paladin Knights, Troop - 135
- 5 Paladin Knights, Troop - 135
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- Priest, Hero, mounted, Bane Chant - 105

40 Crossbowmen, Horde, Jar of the Four Winds (+12" range) - 250

6 Elohi, Horde - 300
- Ur-Elohi, Hero, Ensorcelled Armor (+1 Defense) - 215

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150
- High Paladin on Griffin, Hero - 210

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

Saturday, 24 October 2015

KoW Game 3 - Orcs - 2015/10/23


This game was about to happen long time ago and I would like to thank Gatti for being extremely patient and keep the busy schedule open for some Kings of War action! I was really looking forward to it because first, we haven't played against each other for ages and second, because he has accumulated a very substantial amount of experience with KoW already. I was sure then I would have a great opportunity to learn a lot and that it would lots of fun too!

Gatti wanted to test his most recent army of Orcs instead of his Abyssals or Undead he was so successful with. Here is the army list he brought for that occasion:

Orcs - Army List

40 Ax, Horde - 205
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- War Drum, Monster - 80
- Flagger, Hero - 50

10 Gore Riders, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 205
- Godspeaker, Hero, mounted, Fireball (9), Heal (2) - 100

10 Gore Riders, Regiment, Brew of Haste (+1 Movement) - 200
- Godspeaker, Hero, mounted,  Fireball (9), Heal (2), Inspiring Talisman - 120

6 Trolls, Horde - 190
- Giant, Monster - 190

6 Trolls, Horde - 190

3 Gore Chariots, Regiment - 140

3 Gore Chariots, Regiment - 140

Monday, 19 October 2015

Game 147 - Reptilians - 2015/10/18


This Battle Report will feature Elves of Light and Reptilians, commanded by fantastic gentlemen laribold under 7.0 version of the rules and army lists.

Lizardmen under 8th edition were always a tough opponent for my Elves. Very resilient and hard hitting army with very nasty shooters and powerful magic. Hence, I was very curious to see what kind of spawning is going to emerge from 9th Age. Mr. laribold came up with a combined arms force, which to me is a staple of a classic Reptilian army should look like. Tough cohorts of cold blooded warriors, supported by fearsome monsters and quick but deadly skinks and led to battle by their High Priest and his trusty lieutenants. Very flexible army that participates in all phases of the game!

Reptilians - Army List

High Priest, level 4, Universal Knowledge (knows all signature spells), Scepter of Power
BSB, I10 Sword, Potion of Strength, 2+ armor save
Priest, level 1, Dispel Scroll - Path of Beasts

23 Saurus Totem Warriors, Hand Weapons, Shields, Full Command, Banner of Courage
24 Skink Braves + 3 Croxisaurus, Musician, Banner
10 Skink Hunters, javelins, shields

24 Saurus Shrine Guard, Full Command, Warden's banner
5 Chameleons
5 Chameleons
5 Saurus Raptor Riders, Musician
5 Saurus Raptor Riders, Musician
Maceosaurus (Bastiladon)

Spike Lizard (Razordon)
Spike Lizard (Razordon)

Monday, 12 October 2015

Game 146 - Elves of Nature - 2015/10/11


I had a great pleasure to play against Eltharis again, this time he brought his Elves of Nature to the table. We played this game under 6.5 version of the 9th Age rules pack.

Here is the army Eltharis brought for our re-match:

Elves of Nature - Army List

High Enchantress (Spellweaver), Level 4, Magical Beans; General - 300 -  Path of Heaven
Forest Captain (Glade Captain); BsB; Heavy Armor, Shield, Glade Bow - 151
Enchantress (Mage); Level 1; Dispel Scroll - Path of Shadow - 105

10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
6 Horse Archers (Glade Riders); Howthorn - 126

14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168
14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168
14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168

6 Wild Huntsmen (Wild Riders) - 180
6 Wild Huntsmen (Wild Riders) - 180

10 Pathfinders (Waywatchers) - 200
10 Pathfinders (Waywatchers) - 200

Monday, 21 September 2015

KoW Game 2 - Empire of Dust - 2015/09/21


I have finally had a chance for another game in KoW. It happened that it was a re-match against Loriel and his Empire of Dust. Both of us are trying to find our ways in the new system, hence new armies in comparison to what we had last time.

Cursed Kings - Army List

40 Revenants, Horde, Cascet of the Damned - 210
- Idol of Shobik, Monster - 350

6 Enslaved Giants Archers, Horde - 245
- Cursed High Priest, Hero, Surge (10), Heal (4) - 135
- Soul Snare, War Engine, Lightning Bolt (5), Heal (3) - 110
- Bone Giant - 190

6 Enslaved Giants Archers, Horde - 245
- Cursed High Priest, Hero, Surge (10), Heal (4) - 135
- Monolith - 80
- Bone Giant - 190

3 Swarms, Regiment - 65
3 Swarms, Regiment - 65
3 Scavengers, Regiment - 90

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Game 145 - High Elves - 2015/09/16


On the very day 9th Age Beta rules were released I had a great pleasure to play against Eltharis. We haven't met before but he was very helpful during my game against Marchosias and his Dark Elves. Eltharis wanted to test 9th Age rules as well and I was looking for an opponent. Luckily I had some free time so we set up a game. We still used the Alpha version of the rules but we agreed upon using new deployment rules and secondary objectives that were explained in respective sneak peak. I will explain all the details later because I assume that not all the readers may be familiar with these rules yet. It will also serve as a context for some explanation why certain decision where made.

Eltharis wanted to test his Elves of Light army that was led by the Archmage on Ancient Dragon! (please, note this army was still using 8th edition High Elves army book for points values for all entries)

Friday, 11 September 2015

Game 144 - Dark Elves - 2015/09/10


I have a great pleasure to play against Marchosias of fame and his Dark Elves (Marchosias also started a blog together with Rowena about alternative models for WHFB here:
Armies of Unsupported Age).


Bob the Battle Standard Bearer was taking another report from one of the Reavers who had just returned from another patrol. They were standing in front of a small command tent.

"I tell you they saw us, they want us to see them and they led us closer to their camp so we could inspect their camp", said the scout not even trying masking his surprise. "They look like Druchii but at the same time they don't. It is really strange because you could feel the same wild and savage aura our Asrai cousins have around them". He added.

"Why did they let you leave then? That's not like Druchii at all." asked Bob trying to understand the situation.

"They wanted us to deliver the message of course. Not quite sure what it was though. Their Sorceress, however, waved to us and showed us some kind of a book, with a huge letter "H" engraved on the cover. If I didn't see that myself I would not have believed that at all!" the Reaver was not sure if he should be more amused or worried.

Then Larry stormed out form the tent with a parchment that showed a picture of some ancient tome and grabbed the army of the scout.

"Was it that book?!" he almost shouted and looked intensely at the warrior face "Was it?!?"

"Yes, looks similar but ..." the scout had not time to finish as Larry was already moving away and shouting orders. Outcasts were marching to meet their new foe at once!

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Game 143 - Wood Elves - 2015/09/02


After the untimely death of 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle many players decided to continue with fan based rules they could develop together. One of such initiatives is 9th Age and you can find the link to the rules as well as web site where people are discussing the development process as well as possible changes here:

9th Age - Website

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

KoW Game 1 - Empire of Dust - 2015/08/24


After a lot of thinking, reading and observing I have finally had a chance to play my first game on KoW. I had a pleasure to play against Loriel, who also was interested in trying out new system and he decided to use one of the experimental lists, Empire of Dust.

If you are interested in these armies here is the link:  KoW - Beta Army Lists

Loriel told me he picked the units from his collection purely on their aesthetics as we are both new and we didn't yet know what to expect from these regiments. His army was:

Cursed Kings - Army List

Revenant Chariot Horde - 185
- Skeleton Cavalry - 85
- Skeleton Cavalry - 85
- Balefire Catapult - 100
- Bone Giant - 180
- Cursed Pharaoh in Chariot -225

Enslaved Guardian Archers Horde - 230
- Bone Giant - 180

Skeleton Archers Regiment - 100
- Cursed High Priest, Heal - 145

Skeleton Archers Regiment - 100
- Balefire Catapult - 100

Swarms Regiment - 65
Swarms Horde - 100

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

MSU Elves in KoW - possible?


I continue with some KoW rumblings as I try to prepare for my first game in the new system. I would love to transfer the style I used so far in WHFB, i.e. Multiple Small Units = MSU. I am aware that it may not be easy or even remotely similar to what I have experienced so far but it is as good point to begin as usual. We will see soon enough (I hope) if my assumptions were correct or where they need to be re-evaluated.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Kings of War - Humble Beginnings

Kings of War is one of the systems that people currently consider to start playing. I must admit I am hooked by the new rules simply because I like the games with square units. Don't know really why but skirmish systems do not appeal to me that much. I read the rules for KoW 2 and they seem much simpler but not too simple. I do think that the system is as the designers advertise it, easy to learn, hard to master. I think it is definitely worthy giving a try and I am currently in the process of coming up with some kind of an army list that I would like to try out.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Game 142 - High Elves - 2015/08/13


We have finally played a game with Loriel (my Tomb Kings opponent from the game I posted recently) where he used his High Elves. If you haven't done that already you absolutely must read his fantastic  High Magic article where he describes his approach to that lore and how it influences his army list building as well as tactics on the battle field.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Loriel for his patience as due to real life interference I again had to postpone the game we planned initially. Fortunately, he was kind enough to find another date for me and that game took place!

I kept posting each turn separately on Ulthuan. It allowed for some nice discussion about evolving situation and some people were kind enough to provide their predictions as well as comments. If you are interested in reading these, here is the link: Battle Report -


Two sworn-hosts of Ellyrian Reavers were patrolling the coast while the main army of the Outcasts marched from the desert after recent encounters with the undead armies of Tomb Kings. It was refreshing to feel the sea breeze and both riders and steeds were invigorated by it. Suddenly swift Elven cavalry stopped and the warriors looked towards the horizon. White and silver sails with blue runic signs were clearly visible in the distance. Not an armada but enough ships to carry a full host of one of the noble houses.

"House Loriel sails to war", said the leader of the Reaveres , "They sent House Loriel against us this time."
"How do we know they are hostile?", asked another warrior with a bit of hope in his voice.
"They always are", grizzled veteran replied. Warriors observed approaching ships in silence, counting them and assessing possible strength of their kin.
"Why did they send House Loriel though? I thought that among them all they are the most friendly towards us?"
"Oh, that's simple" replied the leader with crooked smile, "they send the ones that actually didn't scorn us but studied us the most".

The reavers turned around knowing their kin spotted them already and raced back towards the army. There will be few time to form towards the battle.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Ellyrian Reavers with Scale 75

Ellyrian Reavers - full unit

It took me some time but I have finally finished painting five more Ellyrian Reavers to replace old metal miniatures. I wanted to test a few new ideas while painting this unit. First of all I decided to purchase and use new paints from Scale 75 company. They were recommended to me by Mr. Volomir himself and I decided to give it a try. I also wanted to improve my painting in the process by using better contrasts and using cold colors for scale armor and warm ones for the plate armor and clothes. Finally, I also ordered resin bases from MircroArt Studio.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Game 141 - Skaven - 2015/07/27


I had two games against Skaven recently but I will present the report from the second one only. In the first things went quite well, didn't even lose a unit until turn 4 while my opponent suffered some considerable casualties. In turn 4 we had a rule issue and ... my opponent rage quit. Never happened to me before ... Unfortunately, it does not feel right to write a report from such a game. A shame it ended like that as I had some spectacular moments in it and I think there would have been some interesting finale to the struggle. Ah well ...

Fortunately, Eastern Barbarian aka Wardancer, with whom I planned to play for quite a long time (and who was featured in my reports many times) stepped in and he also decided to field Skaven. Being true to his style, he brought and army totally different to what I have seen so far. (Please, take into account we played 2500 points as well as EB trying to get good score under Swedish Comp).

Skaven - Army List

Warlord, Brood Horror mount
Warlord, Rat Ogre mount
Plague Priest, Plague Furnace - Lore of Plague

25 Stormvermin, Ratling Gun
25 Stormvermin, Doom Flyer
25 Slaves
25 Slaves

6 Gutter Runners
6 Gutter Runners
30 Plague Monks


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Something Ends - Something Begins

Where does the Path of an Outcast lead now?

It seems to be quite a turbulent time for the people who played Warhammer. The game as we know it is not going to be supported by Games Workshop anymore. The company released their new product, Age of Sigmar, and many Warhammer players had to decide what to do with it. Some of them enjoy the new product, some don't and the reactions are as varied and as extreme as you can only imagine. I am, naturally, one of the players that tries to figure it all out and after weeks of reading the news, observing the way situation changed and how people reacted I decided to write this post to add to the enormous amount of reviews, comments etc. 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Game 140 - Tomb Kings - 2015/07/16


I had a great pleasure to play against fellow forum member and battle reporter, Loriel. We played over Universal Battle and Loriel was kind enough to let me choose which army I would like to face, High Elves or Tomb Kings. As I have played against HE recently quite often and I haven't had a chance to see new units from End Times in action, I asked for Tomb Kings! However, Loriel told me he plays old school with no benefits from End Times books whatsoever!

We agreed on a simple Battle Field with standard 2400 points armies. Loriel asked for closed lists so the one I am going to present below was not fully known to me during the game. In fact, I didn't know the composition of his force at all (I had some clues though) so please, take that into account when considering my decisions during the deployment phase.

Cursed Kings - Army List

Liche High Priest, level 4, Obsidian Lodestone, Power Stone - Lore of Nehekara - 275
Prince Apophas - 130

20 Skeleton Archers, Master of Arrows, Musician - 140
20 Skeleton Archers, Musician - 130
20 Skeleton Archers, Musician - 130
12 Skeleton Archers - 72
5 Skeleton Horse Archers - 70
5 Skeleton Horse Archers - 70

3 Necropolis Knights, Standard, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 220
3 Necropolis Knights, Standard, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 220
3 Sepulcher Stalkers, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 165
3 Sepulcher Stalkers, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 165
Tomb Scorpion, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 85
Tomb Scorpion, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 85
2 Tomb Swarms, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 80
2 Tomb Swarms, Entombed Beneath the Sands - 80

Casket of Souls - 135
Casket of Souls - 135
Screaming Skull Catapult - 90
Screaming Skull Catapult - 90

Game 139 - Beastmen - 2015/06/27


I have recently enrolled for UB tournament organized by Warhammer-Board, a German website community who invited some international players. It is 3 round small event using ETC player's pack.

In the first round I had a pleasure to play against Eloriel, one of the organizers of the tournament who decided to bring Beastmen this time (he usually plays WE or DE or WoC).

Beastmen - Army List

Doombull *General*, Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Heavy Armor, Shield, Crown of Command, Talisman of Perservation, Dragonhelm - 368

Doombull, Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Shield, Arabyan Carpet, Armour of Destiny - 366

Doombull, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Gnarled Hide, Sword of Swift Slaying, The other Tricksters Shard, Dragonbane Gem, Armour of Fortune - 346

Gorebull, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Heavy Armor, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Endurance - 248

Slugtonque - 190 - Lore of Undeath

Bray Shaman, level 1, Dispel Scroll  - 105 - Lore of Shadow

Bray Shaman, level 1, Chalice of Dark Rain - 120 - Lore of Shadow

10 Gor Herd, Mark of Slaanesh, Musican, Standard - 95
10 Gor Herd, Mark of Slaanesh, Musican, Standard - 95
10 Ungor Herd, Full Command - 65
10 Ungor Herd, Full Command - 65
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38
5 Ungor-Raider, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician - 38

5 Harpies - 55
5 Harpies - 55

Totaly:2474 Points

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Game 138 - High Elves - 2015/06/13


I had a chance to play against Mr. Galharen and his Winged Hussar Host recently over UB. Galharen is well known on Ulthuan for his unparalleled skills with painting brushes but he also is a skillful general as he has demonstrated recently by placing 3rd at one of the biggest events in Poland. Here is a link to his army blog:

The Winged Hussar Host - Army Blog

As he wanted to have a game under ETC rules we will be using these during our game. He will most likely use his trustworthy army list featuring Star Dragon and Silver Helm bus among others. 

The Winged Hussar Host - Army List

Prince, Star Dragon, General; Heavy Armour; Lion Cloak; Shield, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster's Shard, Sword of Might - 635
Prince, barded steed, Heavy Armour, Giant Blade, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone - 263
Archmage, steed, level 4, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Obsidian Lodestone - 315 - Lore of High Magic
BSB, barded steed, Lance; Dragon Armour; Battle Standard; Ithilmar Barding, Charmed Shield, Luckstone - 136

17 Silver Helms, Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion, Ithilmar Barding  - 421
5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow (swap); Light Armour - 85
5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow (swap); Light Armour; Standard - 95

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower - 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower - 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower - 70
Frostheart Phoenix - 240

Total Army Cost: 2400

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Game 137 - Empire - 2015/06/09


On 4th/5th July there ws a tournament called Gronkcon, here is the link to the relevant topic at wargamerau:

Gronkcon 2015

It is an unique tournament and the organizers encourage interesting army lists but also you score points by fulfilling scenario objectives and achievements only. If you are interested in details about the scenarios, here is the players pack:

Gronkcon - Player's Pack

and the list of achievements (although it may still be subject to changes):

Gronkcon - Achievement's List

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend that tournament but a very good friend of mine and own Darth Sabre, is going to be there. Since we tried to schedule another game between us it was a good idea to allow me to have a taste of Gronckon experience and provide some practice for Darth who decided to field Empire army this time. He even wrote a piece of background so with further ado here is the story and the army list!

Darth's Empire - Background

The sun will slowly set on the 8th Age, some say the golden
age, and the dawn of the 9th Age will arrive. At the end, the
Last Battle will be fought on the slopes of Shayal Gronk and
there will be merriment, shenanigans and questionable
behaviour. A champion will emerge to lead those that remain
into an enlightened new glorious era.

Prophesies of the Gronk
Author Unknown
(Believed to be a drunken shell of a man sprawled
over a Macca's bench after a night out with the

Darth Franz gazed down the escarpment, open plains stretched before him with tall grass rippling in the wind, forests and thickets to both the east and west. In the distance he could see the slopes of Shayol Gronk, his destination. He had been strangely drawn to his place, a sense of longing, a sense of destiny had overtaken him these last few months. He had battled his way across the old world, fought army upon army from the Forces of Destruction, witnessed the death of many friends and heard rumours of the death of so many hero’s and champions of the Old World. But here he would seek his revenge. He turned and looked over his shoulder at the pitiful remnants of his once mighty army, the End Times (“Fuck the End Times Bro”) had been brutal. The once mighty Empire, guardians of the Old World, was almost destroyed, shattered, broken and scattered across the lands.

But where there was life there was hope and he would fight to his last breath, the revenge he sought was close, so close he could almost taste it. At his side stood Von Thrillhelm, his trusted bodyguard. “At last we arrive my friend, what do you think awaits us?”

“Who knows bro, it surely can’t be any worse than what we have faced these last few months” replied Von Thrillhelm.

“I am not so sure, there seems so many new foul creatures walking these lands recently, its truly seems the end approaches.” A violent gust of wind almost knocks him from his feet. Darth screams aloud, “F*** Goldmember how many times have I told you not to land that flying fleeball so close to me”. Silently to himself he murmur’s “and why would any Lord of the Empire ride a flying horse when there are Griffons to ride…”.

Goldmember ignored him, he long ago gave up caring what others thought. “Chill out Darth dude… I have scouted the lands to the west of Shayol Gronk … It doesn’t look good bro … lots of nasty shit out there man, daemons, vampires, chaos everywhere, jees man I even saw beastman…. who would have thought beastman would roam these lands again ... you may be leading us to our death bro.”

Before he could reply a band of soldiers lead by curious looking little man appeared from the forest to the left of him. Marius Maximus and his Huntsman had returned from their scouting trip of the eastern forests surrounding Shayol Gronk.

“What do you have to report Marius” asked Darth.

“My lord, my lord I have lots to report, so much to report, oh my lord it is splendid, so splendid. So many monsters we saw, so so so many - there is much sport to be had.” Marius squawked. God help me thought Darth, he couldn’t quite remember the last monster Marius and his little band had actually killed. He was beginning to think the legendary monster killer was a myth but he would see.

“Yes Marius, lots of monsters – wonderful for you – but have you found us a safe path to Shayol Gronk – that was your mission.”  Darth asked wearily.

“oh yes my lord, oh yes my lord, Marius has found a path. To the east lies many elven encampments, it appears they have landed on the beaches and made their way inland. The whole of Ulthuan seems to be camped down there to be honest my Lord… not that they
have anywhere else to go … ha ha ha ha ha… we can go that way and approach Shayol Gronk from the east.” Marius replied.

Goldmember added “So it seems the forces of destruction from the west and forces of good from the east with the last battle to happen around Shayol Gronk… as the legend prophesises – time for me to make more gold – ha ha ha ha ha”. He promptly mounted his Pegasus and flew away.

Darth turns to Von Thrillhelm. “Looks like our path has been found, once more into the breach my friend. Our pitiful band looks outmatched here, a psychopathic wizard with a penchant for turning things to gold, a mad monster hunter who doesn’t seem to be able to hit the side of a barn from 10 metres and a small band of weary soldiers.”

Von Thrillhelm continues to stare at Shayol Gronk and mutters “What are you going to do bro, what are you going to do….”

Monday, 20 July 2015

Game 136 - High Elves - 2015/05/28


By the end of February I had a great pleasure to play against Ulthuan own pkng! We tried to organize that game for quite a long time and finally it happened. Pkng wanted to test his ETC style army so we played on ETC maps too. I want to apologize for taking it so long to post the report but I had a lot to do in March before going for one month holidays and when I got back there was immediately a lot to do again. Hopefully I will have some hobby time now, especially that I have some plans for painting and gaming (check my army blog for details).

Pkng is not only a very good player (he is going to be part of the ETC team this year again) but I was about to have a chance to play against some special characters and the army I haven't had a chance to play so far. At a time of playing I was still writing reports from CanCon and as such I was not sure where I want to go with army list changes. Because of that I decided to go with the very same army anyway and see what I can do.

Here is the army Pkng selected for our game:

High Elves - Army List

Alarielle the Radiant, Star of Avelorn, Stave of Avelorn, The Shieldstone of Isha - 350
Tyrion, Dragon Armour of Aenarion, Heart of Avalorn, Sunfang - 410
Mage, level 1, Dispel Scroll - 110 - Lore of Light
Mage, level 1, Channeling Staff - 100 - Lore of Light
Noble, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragon Armour, Ithilmar Barded Elven Steed, Lance, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Ogre Blade - 178

15 Archers, Full Command - 180
5 Ellyrian Reavers, bows - 85
5 Ellyrian Reavers, bows - 85
10 Silver Helms, Shields, Full Command - 260

8 Dragon Princes of Caledor, Musician, Standard Bearer - 252
20 White Lions of Chrace, Full Command, Banner of World Dragon - 340
Great Eagle

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Game 135 - Ogre Kingdoms - 2015/03/25

Game 8 - Battle Line - Tom - Ogre Kingdoms

Finally the report from the last game! This time I met Tom aka Forgebreaker and his Ogres. I haven't played against them for ages so I was looking forward to the battle and I also hoped to finish the tournament with a great game!

Tom had a few usual suspects but there were also a few surprises. Here is his list in more details:

Ogre Kingdoms - Army List

Slaughtermaster, Level 4, ironfist , Armour of Destiny, Gnoblar Thiefstone - Lore of Maw - 383
Bruiser, BSB, great weapon, heavy armour, Greedy Fist, Dragonhelm - 195
Firebelly, great weapon, Sivejir's Hex Scroll - 179
Butcher, Level 2, Ironcurse Icon - Lore of Heavens - 140

9 Ironguts, Full Command, Look-out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline - 437
10 Gnoblars, Standard, Musician - 45
10 Gnoblars, Standard, Musician - 45
3 Ogres, ironfists - 96

6 Leadbelchers, Bellower - 268
Sabertusk - 21
Sabertusk - 21

Ironblaster - 170
Giant - 200
Giant - 200

Swedish Comp: 15.4

Friday, 17 July 2015

Game 134 - Beastmen - 2015/03/23

Game 7 - Battle for the Pass - James - Beastmen

After tough day 2 I was ready to turn the tide and fight for some better results during the last day of the tournament. Game 1 of the day and 7th in general was played with Battle for the Pass scenario rules and I had a pleasure to play against James and his Beastie Boyz! :)

I have a great respect for people who use Beastmen not because it is considered a weak army ( I think it is not) but because they have guts to bring the force that looks great even if it is not that popular. I never underestimate them and the player that plays that army as it often happens that he is actually a very good gamer who knows how to use his army.

These are the details of the army I was fighting against:

Beastmen - Army List

Beastlord, Shield, Brass Cleaver, Armour of Destiny, Dragonbane Gem, Uncanny Senses - 243
Great Brayshaman, Level 4, Shard of the Herdstone, Staff of Darkoth - 335 - Lore of Beasts

Wargor, Battle Standard, Heavy Armour, Shield, Gnarled Hide, The Beast Banner - 206
Slugtongue - 190
Brayshaman, Obsidian Trinket - 110 - Lore of Beasts
Brayshaman, Scroll of Shielding - 90 - Lore of Shadow

28 Gors, Full Command, Additional Hand Weapons - 249
15 Gors, Full Command, Additional Hand Weapons - 145
9 Ungor Raiders, Champion, Musician - 63
Tuskgor Chariot - 80
Tuskgor Chariot - 80
5 Warhounds - 30

27 Bestigors, Full Command, Razor Standard - 399
5 Harpies, Scouts - 70

Chaos Spawn - 55
Chaos Spawn - 55

Swedish Comp: 15.6

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Game 133 - Lizardmen - 2015/03/20

Game 6 - Battle Line - Jamie - Lizardmen

In the morning I talked to Jamie about all things Warhammer. We haven't played against each other yet but since Castle Assault 2013 we have been joking it would be great to meet on the battlefield. In fact, Jamie mentioned that he should have grudged me so we could have played game 1. However, somehow it happened we didn't need to as we were paired in game 6!

Jamie usually plays High Elves but this time he brought his Lizardmen. I must admit I don't have a good track record against this army. A year before Chris Cousens smashed me 19-1 with his Tetto-Eko led force and I was determined to use the opportunity and break that "tradition".

Since CanCon 2015 allowed special characters Jamie decided to build his army around Lord Kroak. Here are the details:

Lizardmen - Army List

Lord Kroak - 400
Oldblood, Shield, Glittering Scales, Potion of Speed, Luckstone, Sword of Striking - 196
Scar Veteran, Great Weapon, Light Armor, Cold One, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, The Other Trickster Shard - 160
Skink Priest, level 1, Scroll of Shielding - 80 - Lore of Heavens
Skink Priest, level 1, Cube of Darkness - 95 - Lore of Beasts

34 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Full Command - 404
10 Skink Cohort - 80
10 Skink Skirmishers, blowpipes - 70
10 Skink Skirmishers, blowpipes - 70

6 Cold One Riders, Spears, Full Command - 234
39 Temple Guard, Full Command, Razor Standard - 621

Swedish Comp: 15.4

Game 132 - Orcs and Goblins - 2015/03/13

Game 5 - Blood and Glory - Dan - Orcs and Goblins

Game 5 was Blood and Glory scenario. It was modified in the way that a player received bonus points (400VP) for breaking the opponent but the game continued for 6 turns as normal. If second player broke his opponent too he also received bonus points (200VP). This time I was fighting against Orcs and Goblins led by Black Orc Warboss Dan!

Dan had an army that looked to me as a classic Orcs and Goblins force, 2 big blocks of Orc infantry, small regiment of Night Goblins, support in the form of Wolf Riders and 4 chariots as well as 3 war machines and 2 manglers plus, of course, a nice selection of characters. Here are the details of his army list:

Orcs & Goblins - Army List

Black Orc Warboss, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Axe of Stunty Smashing = 263
Orc Great Shaman, Lvl 4, Talisman of Endurance, Fencers Blades, Ironcurse = 270 - Big Waagh!
Black Orc Big Boss, BSB, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield = 165
Night Goblin Shaman, Ruby Ring = 75 - Little Waagh!
Night Goblin Shaman, Dispel Scroll  = 75 - Little Waagh!

34 Orc Boyz, Full Command, Big Un’s, Extra Choppa, Razor Standard = 386
22 Night Goblins, Standard, Musician, 2x Fanatics = 136 Points
5 Wolf Riders, Standard, Musician, Spears, Shields = 80 Points

Wolf Chariot = 50
Wolf Chariot = 50
Boar Chariot = 85
Boar Chariot = 85
23 Black Orcs, Full Command, Shields, Standard of Discipline = 349 
Spear Chukka = 35 

Doom Diver = 80
Mangler Squig = 65 
Mangler Squig = 65 
Rock Lobber = 85

Swedish Comp = 14.0

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Game 131 - Dark Elves - 2015/03/06

Game 4 - Battle Line - Alex - Dark Elves

First game day 2 and I had a pleasure to play against Alex and his Dark Elves. I am always happy to play against Druchii as it is a guarantee of an interesting game no matter what. There is something that makes HE vs DE battles unique. I am afraid that we migth lose it with joined Elven armies but let's not worry about something that is not there yet.

Alex brought the following list:

Dark Elves - Army List

Morathi - 375 Yay! :)
Assassin, Additional hand weapon, The Other Tricksters Shard, Talisman of Endurance, Dark Venom - 157
Sorceress, level 1, Sivejirs Hex Scroll - 130 - Lore of Metal
Death Hag, BSB, Cry of War - 125

28 Corsairs, Additional Hand Weapon, Full Command - 338
18 Dark Shards, Full Command, Shields - 264
23 Dreadspears, Full Command - 237
23 Dreadspears, Full Command - 237

7 Harpies - 105
Cold One Chariot - 115

2 x Bolt Thrower - 140
Bloodwrack Shrine - 175

Swedish Comp: 15.5

Game 130 - Warriors of Chaos - 2015/02/23

Game 3 - Meeting Engagement - Chris - Warriors of Chaos

After two great games of civil war against other High Elf armies it was time to face one of the archenemies - Warriors of Chaos. I had a great pleasure to play for the very first time against Chris and his legion of steel. We also played Meeting Engagement scenario. I find it always interesting as it may influence the deployment but not only in a negative way (when your war machines end up in reserves for instance) but also in a positive manner (when you have some fast units as reinforcements).

It also creates more choices to be made, in particular for the player who wins the roll off and has to pick one from four possible deployment zones. Personally, I prefer to lose that roll off and deploy when the enemy is already arrayed for battle, as that allows me to counter some threats better. On the other hand, with the diagonal deployment and against combat orientated armies like WoC, the distance between the armies can be shorter for my liking.

But let's have a look at the army Chris brought to CanCon:

Warriors of Chaos - Army List

Sorcerer, General, Level 2, Barded Chaos Steed, Scroll of Shielding -161 - Lore of Metal
Exalted Champion, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Flail, Barded Chaos Steed, Obsidian Amulet, Gamblers Armour - 219
Sorcerer, Mark of Slaanesh, Steed of Slaanesh, Level 2, Enchanted Shield, Chaos Familiar - 205 - Lore of Slaanesh

14 Warriors of Chaos, Full Command, Mark of Nurgle, Halberds, Shields, Gleaming Pennant -315
8 Marauder Horsemen, Full Command, Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, Javelins -174
Chariot with Mark of Khorne -120

6 Chaos Knights, Banner, Musician, Mark of Tzeentch, Lances, Blasted Standard - 309
Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Khorne -140
Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Khorne -140
Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Khorne -140

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne with Lances -231
3 Skullcrushers of Khorne with Lances -231

Swedish Comp: 15.1

Monday, 13 July 2015

Game 129 - High Elves - 2015/02/12

Game 2 - Battle Line - Hamish - High Elves

Game 2 saw my forces matched against another HE army. Hamish told me it was his first tournament under 8th rules but I am sure it does not mean he was totally new to the hobby as he definitely knew what is he doing. He brought more traditional army to the field with a few popular choices that affected his composition score significantly.

High Elves - Army List

Loremaster, Sword of Might, Shield of the Merwyrm, Golden Crown of Atrazar, Book of Hoeth - 330
BSB, barded steed,Dragon armour , Enchanted Shield, Star Lance, Potion of Foolhardiness - 160

17 Archers, Musician - 180
10 Silver Helms, Full Command - 260
5 Ellyrian Reavers - 80
5 Ellyrian Reavers - 80

18 Phoenix Guard, Razor Banner - 325
24 Swordmasters, Bladelord, Standard of Discipline - 347
5 Dragon Princes - 145

Frostheart Phoenix - 240
8 Sisters of Avelorn - 112
Bolt Thrower - 70
Bolt Thrower - 70

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Game 128 - High Elves - 2015/01/30

Game 1 - Dawn Attack - Jack - High Elves

The first game of CanCon usually is a Dawn Attack and I think it is a suitable scenario to begin with. There were no modifications so we played by the book. I had a great pleasure to meet and play against Jack for the very first time. Jack decided to bring a very unique army to the event and I must say it looked absolutely fantastic! Here is a picture of this glorious host when assembled on a display base:

As you can see there are many fliers and many chariots in it! It was a fast force with some shooting support but due to the nature of the Dawn Attack we were not sure what kind of bizarre formation our respective armies are going to adopt. With many units on each side we expected some of them may end up in weird places. Before I proceed to the deployment, here is Jack's army list with more details:

High Elves - Army List

Annointed, General, Flamespyre Phoenix, Dragonbane Gem, Charmed shield, Biting blade, Khaines ring of fury - 480

Mage, Level 2, Dispel scroll - Lore of Death - 145
BSB, heavy armour , Shield of the merwyrm , Ruby ring , Warrior bane - 144

5 Ellyrian Reavers, standard , spears/bows - 105
5 Ellyrian Reavers, standard , spears/bows - 105
18 Archers, musician , standard - 200
18 Archers, musician , standard - 200

Sky cutter, bolt thrower - 120
Sky cutter, bolt thrower - 120
Sky cutter, bolt thrower - 120

Tiranoc chariot - 70
Tiranoc chariot - 70
Tiranoc chariot - 70

Flamespyre Phoenix - 225
Flamespyre Phoenix - 225

Game 127 - Vampire Counts - 2014/12/31

Game 5 - Dave - Vampire Counts - Battle for the Pass

The last game of MiniMe tournament was Battle for the Pass. It is another scenario that poses an additional challenge as I need more space for these outflanking maneuvers. Fortunately I didn't draw a gunline that would sit in the corner and keep destroying me from the distance.

This time I played against Vampire Counts again, this time led by Dave. Dave organized a few tournaments himself (CanCon 2013 among others) and I played against him just after the release of DE army where he was running the army with Hellebron. It was great to see him at another tournament after a break and I hope he is going to be a regular participant from now on. Dave's VC were infantry based in the same way as Dustin's but with some notable differences.

Vampire Counts - Army List

Vampire Lord, General, Heavy Armour, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Ogre Blade, The Other Trickster's Shard, Quick Blood - Lore of Vampires- 359
Master Necromancer, level 3, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Talisman of Endurance - Lore of Death  - 225

Necromancer, Seed of Rebirth - Lore of Vampires - 75
Wight King, BSB, Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon - 165

40 Crypt Ghouls, Champion - 410
40 Zombies, Standard - 125
20 Zombies, Standard - 65

28 Grave Guard, Full command, Banner of Barrows, Great Weapons - 416
5 Hexwraiths  - 150
4 Vargheists - 184

Terrorgheist  - 225

Swedish Comp: 13.9

Friday, 10 July 2015

Game 126 - Bretonnia - 2014/12/27

Game 4 - Adam - Bretonnia - Blood and Glory

In game 4 I had a pleasure to play against another Master player, Adam.  He almost made it this year too but the competition was tough and the final rankings was decided with the most recent tournaments. Interestingly, despite attending many tournaments together, we played against each other only once, during ANUWTF 2014 tournament. Adam had Beastmen army then and I was lucky to win so I was sure he was looking forward to even the score! Another thing you can be sure when playing against Adam is that he will do his best to give you run for your money but at the same time it will be in extremely sporty fashion!

We played modified Blood and Glory scenario. 400VP points were earned extra for breaking the opponent first. 200VP were earned for breaking the opponent second.

For this tournament Adam decided to bring Bretonnian army and this is how his list looked like:

Bretonnia - Army List

Lord, warhorse, Virtue of Heroism, The Heartwood Lance, Charmed Shield, Tress of Isoulde - 231
Prophetess of the Lady, Level 4, warhorse, Earthing Rod - 265 - Lore of Life

Paladin, BSB, warhorse, Biting Blade, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone - 119
Paladin 2, Lance, Shield, Warhorse, Gromril Great Helm, Gauntlet of the Duel - 120
Paladin 3, Shield, Warhorse, Questing Vow, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Dragonhelm - 124
Paladin 4, Warhorse, Great Weapon, Questing Vow, Insignia of the Quest - 116
Paladin 5, Warhorse, Great Weapon, Questing Vow, Glittering Scales - 111
12 Knights of the Realm, Full Command, Banner of Swiftness - 327
18 Peasant Bowmen, Musician, Standard, Braziers - 128
6 Knights Errant, Full Command, Gleaming Pennant - 146

11 Questing Knights, Full Command - 335
3  Pegasus Knights, Full Command - 195

Trebuchet - 90
Trebuchet - 90

Swedish Comp: 14.6

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Game 125 - High Elves - 2014/12/24

Game 3 - David - High Elves - Meeting Engagement

In the game 3 I had a pleasure to meet David for the first time and he brought his trusty High Elves to the tournament. He decided to take some solid choices with a cavalry Prince unit as a hammer and Phoenix Guard, Caradryan and High Magic as anvil. He had some nice support of fast cavalry and ranged attacks. However, we were playing Meeting Engagement that in addition to a diagonal deployment some of the units might end up in reserves. If that happened to fast troops, that may be an advantage but if you rolled a 1 for a war machine that is obviously a waste.

Let's have look at David's list in more details then:

High Elves - Army List

Archmage, Level 4 Wizard, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation - High Magic
Prince (General), Dragon Armour, Elven Steed with Barding, Dawnstone, Enchanted Shield, Giant Blade
Mage, Elven Steed , Level 2 Wizard, Ironcurse Icon, Obsidian Lodestone - High Magic
Noble (BSB), Dragon Armour, Great Weapon, Shield, Elven Steed with Barding, Star Lance, Dragonhelm, Luckstone, Potion of Foolhardiness

5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bows
5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bows
6 Ellyrian Reavers, Bows, Spears, Musician
12 Silver Helms, Shields, Full Command

18 Phoenix Guards, Full Command, Razor Banner

2 x Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
15 Sisters of Avelorn, Champion

Swedish Comp: 12.8

Game 124 - Lizardmen - 2014/12/17

Game 2 - Anthony - Lizardmen - Battle Line

Game two was simple Battle Line and this time I had a chance to play against a warhammer veteran, Anthony and his unique Lizardmen. My pictures do not show these fantastic miniatures properly so trust my word that it was beautifully painted army. Anthony told me he bought it painted like that already and it was a pleasure to admire the look of it across the table.

As I said the army was unique and here are the details:

Lizardmen - Army List

Oldblood, Great Weapon, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Dragon Helm, Dawnstone, Carnosaur, Loping Stride, Blood Roar - 492
Skink Priest, Dispel Scroll - Lore of Beast - 90
Scar Veteran, Cold One, Great Weapon, BSB, Armor of Destiny - 179
Tetto'Ekko - 185 - Lore of Heavens
Skink Chief, Ripperdactyl, Light Armor, Javelin, Egg of Quango, Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted Shield - 124

21 Skink Cohort, Standard, Musician, Kroxigor - 175
21 Skink Cohort, Standard, Musician, Kroxigor - 175
21 Skink Cohort, Standard, Musician, Kroxigor - 175

12 Skink Skirmishers, Javelins, Shields - 84
6 Ripperdactyls - 240
6 Cold Ones, Musician, Standard - 224
3 Terradons - 105
Bastiladon with Solar Engine - 150

Swedish Comp: 15.9

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Game 123 - Vampire Counts - 2014/12/12

Game 1 - Dustin - Vampire Counts - Dawn Attack

After 2 months break in gaming I finally had a chance to play some warhammer at a small local tournament. It is a side event run in parallel to Australian Masters so in addition to fun associated with playing your own games one could also have a glimpse at Masters battles. In fact, MiniMe was 5 games and Masters is 6 games event so all who wanted to stay longer could observe the last turn of that prestigious tournament.

MiniMe is also organized as a practice tournament for a much bigger event, CanCon, that was going to take place by the end of January 2015. 

The main things about the pack are that it uses Swedish Comp in 10-16 brackets and uses the difference to modify the game result. The difference in composition score is multiplied by 150VP and that bonus is added to the victory points earned by the player with the softer army. In theory it may mean that if player A has an army with a score 10 and player B with a score 16 then player B adds 900VP to his victory points as a bonus.

In the first round of the tournament I was pitched against Vampire Counts led by Dustin. He chose a classical force with hordes of infantry, backed up by the characters and with an addition of a few support units. We also used Dawn Attack scenario as described in a rulebook. This scenario has a potential of affecting the initial plans significantly where the units may be not be deployed where the player really wanted them to be.

Vampire Counts - Army List

Vampire Lord, Level 3, Shield, Heavy Armor, Talisman of Preservation, Ogre Blade, Other Trickster's Shard, Quickblood - Lore of Vampires
Necromancer, Level 1, Book of Arkhan - Lore of Vampires
Necromancer, Level 1, Staff of Damnation - Lore of Vampires
Vampire, Level 1, Additional Weapon, Armor of Destiny, Quickblood, Dread Knight - Lore of Shadow
Wight King, Battle Standard Bearer, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Endurance

40 Ghouls
27 Skeletons, Full Command, Banner of Swiftness
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves

40 Grave Guards, Musician, Banner of Barrows
