
Saturday, 19 December 2015

KoW Game 11 - Forces of Basilea - 2015/12/18


I was very lucky that my good friend, Darth Sabre (check out his blog here: Darth's Miniature Wargaming Adventures) found some time for another intercontinental, time traveling gaming experience in the magic world of Mantica. Among his many hobby projects, Darth is looking for his perfect Basilean army list and in addition to that, he also wanted a revenge after our previous encounters. His new army, inspired by a great collection of Lord of the Rings miniatures (looks like Gondor is a fantastic range for Basilean army!), took the following shape:

Forces of Basilea - Army List

40 Crossbowmen, Horde, Brew of Keen-eyeness (+1 to hit) - 260
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- Priest, Hero, Bane Chant- 90
- Phoenix, Monster - 165

10 Paladin Knights, Regiment - 210
- High Paladin on Griffin, Hero, Diadem of Dragon-Kind (Breath Attack (10)) - 240

6 Elohi, Horde, Blessing of the Gods (Elite) - 325

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

20 Men-at-Arms (Spear & Shield) - 135

20 Men-at-Arms (Spear & Shield) - 135

Saturday, 5 December 2015

KoW Game 10 - Forces of Abyss - 2015/12/04


Encouraged by his most recent victory, my regular opponent - Eastern Barbarian - decided he is going to bring his Forces of Abyss army once again. It is 1:1 between us at the moment so I am sure he wanted to prove it was not a coincidence he won. While I was happy to get a chance for a revenge! He used exactly the same army as last time while I had to correct the mistake I unknowingly overlooked.

Forces of Abyss - Army List

20 Succubi, Regiment, Mace of Crushing - 195
- 10 Gargoyles, Troop - 80
- Abyssal Temptress, Hero, Bane Chant, Wind Blast - 135

20 Succubi, Regiment - 190
- The Well of Souls - 275

20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140

20 Flamebearers, Regiment - 140
- Efreet, Hero, Inspiring Talisman - 155

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 235

10 Abyssal Horsemen, Regiment, Brew of Haste (+1 Speed) - 230

6 Tortured Souls, Horde, Blade of Slashing - 225