
Monday, 26 October 2015

KoW Game 4 - Basileans - 2015/10/26


I had another opportunity to play KoW recently. My good friend, Darth Sabre, was interested in giving it a go and chose Basileans, one of the main factions in Mantica, that is unique to this world. I was glad to face them as it is always good to learn more about my own force when fighting against variety of opponents.

Basileans - Army List

40 Men-at-Arms, Horde, Spears & Shields - 225
- 5 Paladin Knights, Troop - 135
- 5 Paladin Knights, Troop - 135
- 5 Sisterhood Panter Lancers, Troop - 115
- Priest, Hero, mounted, Bane Chant - 105

40 Crossbowmen, Horde, Jar of the Four Winds (+12" range) - 250

6 Elohi, Horde - 300
- Ur-Elohi, Hero, Ensorcelled Armor (+1 Defense) - 215

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150
- High Paladin on Griffin, Hero - 210

20 Paladin Foot Guard, Regiment - 150

Saturday, 24 October 2015

KoW Game 3 - Orcs - 2015/10/23


This game was about to happen long time ago and I would like to thank Gatti for being extremely patient and keep the busy schedule open for some Kings of War action! I was really looking forward to it because first, we haven't played against each other for ages and second, because he has accumulated a very substantial amount of experience with KoW already. I was sure then I would have a great opportunity to learn a lot and that it would lots of fun too!

Gatti wanted to test his most recent army of Orcs instead of his Abyssals or Undead he was so successful with. Here is the army list he brought for that occasion:

Orcs - Army List

40 Ax, Horde - 205
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- 10 Skulks, Troop - 75
- War Drum, Monster - 80
- Flagger, Hero - 50

10 Gore Riders, Regiment, Potion of the Caterpillar (Pathfinder) - 205
- Godspeaker, Hero, mounted, Fireball (9), Heal (2) - 100

10 Gore Riders, Regiment, Brew of Haste (+1 Movement) - 200
- Godspeaker, Hero, mounted,  Fireball (9), Heal (2), Inspiring Talisman - 120

6 Trolls, Horde - 190
- Giant, Monster - 190

6 Trolls, Horde - 190

3 Gore Chariots, Regiment - 140

3 Gore Chariots, Regiment - 140

Monday, 19 October 2015

Game 147 - Reptilians - 2015/10/18


This Battle Report will feature Elves of Light and Reptilians, commanded by fantastic gentlemen laribold under 7.0 version of the rules and army lists.

Lizardmen under 8th edition were always a tough opponent for my Elves. Very resilient and hard hitting army with very nasty shooters and powerful magic. Hence, I was very curious to see what kind of spawning is going to emerge from 9th Age. Mr. laribold came up with a combined arms force, which to me is a staple of a classic Reptilian army should look like. Tough cohorts of cold blooded warriors, supported by fearsome monsters and quick but deadly skinks and led to battle by their High Priest and his trusty lieutenants. Very flexible army that participates in all phases of the game!

Reptilians - Army List

High Priest, level 4, Universal Knowledge (knows all signature spells), Scepter of Power
BSB, I10 Sword, Potion of Strength, 2+ armor save
Priest, level 1, Dispel Scroll - Path of Beasts

23 Saurus Totem Warriors, Hand Weapons, Shields, Full Command, Banner of Courage
24 Skink Braves + 3 Croxisaurus, Musician, Banner
10 Skink Hunters, javelins, shields

24 Saurus Shrine Guard, Full Command, Warden's banner
5 Chameleons
5 Chameleons
5 Saurus Raptor Riders, Musician
5 Saurus Raptor Riders, Musician
Maceosaurus (Bastiladon)

Spike Lizard (Razordon)
Spike Lizard (Razordon)

Monday, 12 October 2015

Game 146 - Elves of Nature - 2015/10/11


I had a great pleasure to play against Eltharis again, this time he brought his Elves of Nature to the table. We played this game under 6.5 version of the 9th Age rules pack.

Here is the army Eltharis brought for our re-match:

Elves of Nature - Army List

High Enchantress (Spellweaver), Level 4, Magical Beans; General - 300 -  Path of Heaven
Forest Captain (Glade Captain); BsB; Heavy Armor, Shield, Glade Bow - 151
Enchantress (Mage); Level 1; Dispel Scroll - Path of Shadow - 105

10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
10 Forest Guardians (Glade Guards); Truemark Shots; Skirmish - 160
6 Horse Archers (Glade Riders); Howthorn - 126

14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168
14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168
14 Bladedancers (Wardancers) - 168

6 Wild Huntsmen (Wild Riders) - 180
6 Wild Huntsmen (Wild Riders) - 180

10 Pathfinders (Waywatchers) - 200
10 Pathfinders (Waywatchers) - 200