
Monday, 29 September 2014

Game 37 - High Elves - 2012/10/04


I must admit it is a great thing to be able to play with more and more members from the forums I read. I am also aware it is only possible in XXI century with all the benefits of the internet. This time I had a pleasure to play against Elessehta of Yvresse from Ulthuan! Ele has his own unique approach to High Elves with his Yvresii theme. He is also a great story teller and I am very glad that he agreed to write a little as a prologue and epilogue for our game.


Elessehta rested in his tent, the encounter with the Asrai had been brief, bloody, and totally unexpected. He had left the others with his troops to get some peace, he needed to meditate. After the shocking loss against a small contingent of men, and then again losing to some Eatainii sailor on a Great Eagle... how he wished his mighty Griffon could have come with them on this journey.

He needed to remember the lessons taught to him at the Armis Kormalin, he'd studied the Way of the Owl with Grand Master Thoronthol himself. Why had he deviated from it so much? Meditation would help.

He still saw the wild elves who had ridden through him and his entourage of mighty Storm Knights. He chuckled thinking that those savages had come upon them like lightning from Mathlann himself. The Paladin Ainmiru took it as a sign that they’d angered their god somehow. Ele had given them permission to return to the sea to try and contact the mighty storm god, but Ainmiru was his cousin, and wouldn’t leave him while he was injured.

His meditation was interrupted by a voice in his head,“Lord Silverbough, a message has come from Tor Yvresse. You had best come quickly”. Maethor, employing an old trick that came with his blood. Ohta’relen, Daggro, and he could all communicate telepathically, without the use of the stones. This is why they were concerned about Daggro, neither of them could reach him, this worried them.

Elessehta signalled to the horn bearer, who blew a note. The small force assembled and they moved quietly through the trees back toward the coast.
A message that Maethor didn't want to relay through the thought-speech, that sounded ominous.

Upon arriving back at camp Elessehta sought out Maethor, finding him in the command tent. He asked for the message, sat down and opened the letter. An incredulous look showed on his face as he read the flowing script on the page.
Turning to his weather mage he said"Prepare the soldiers, our Lord Eltharion will be testing us soon though a magic spell of the Arhain aspect of Qhaysh. A simulated battle against one of the great generals of the People. He wants to know how far I've come in my training in the Way of the Owl"
"My lord, who will be fighting this battle?" Maethor asked.
"Everyone except Vanyion, who will anchor the spell on this side" was the reply.
"Everyone? That's going to be a large battle, who is the General we'll be facing?" Maethor, full of questions as usual.
"A Sapherian Archmage, who many think has gone rogue. He is a brilliant general from all accounts, who likes to flood the battlefield with small units of hand picked warriors."
"We will be fighting this Mage for real in the aether?"
"No, they are using Arhain to project a likeness of him here."
Maethor laughed "We're fighting ghosts? HaHa~ This will be fun."

Army Lists and pre-battle considerations

It was a great honor that it was Eltharion himself who picked the army of outcasts and misfits to test Elessehta's generalship. He is by far my most favorite character :)

I knew that Ele uses Yvresii theme and that meant I could expect Sea Guard, Rangers, Eagle Claws and quite few characters. He was also very kind to send me his army list before the game as well as a photo of assembled army so that there is no doubt we could play the same game in real life if there was an opportunity to do so.

Yvresii High Elves - Army List

Elessehta Silverbough, Barded Elven Steed, Dragon Armour, Ogre Blade, Charmed Shield, Vambraces of Defense
Evelo Maethor of the Mists, Level 4, Jewel of the Dusk, Folariath's Robe - Lore of Heavens
Evelo Ohta'relen, Hand Weapon, Dragon Armour, Shield, Battle Standard, Reaver Bow, Mask of the Merlord
Elithmar of Ar Ninglor, Extra Hand Weapon, Longbow, Shadow Armour, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness.

47 Sea Guard, Full Command, with Shields.

7x Sword Masters, Musician.
7x Sword Masters, Musician.
5x Yvressii Rangers.
5x Shore Riders
, Musician, Bows.
8x Dragon Princes, Full Command, Potion of Strength, Razor Standard

1x Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower.
1x Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Game 36 - Vampire Counts - 2012/09/23


Some time ago Gatti came up with an idea of a super fast Vampire army. I saw it in action and I must say it is a sight to behold. It would be a great challenge for me to play against it. What is more I owned Gatti a rematch and we finally met on the UB-battlefield again.

Army lists and pre-battle considerations

Gatti decided to theme his army on Blood Dragons and I am really looking forward to seeing some of his conversion ideas taking shape. Other than that it is a flying circus army that hits like tone of bricks. It also shows how varied VC armies can be.

Vampire Counts - Army List

Vampire Lord, Zombie Dragon, Heavy Armor, Shield, Red Fury, Quick Blood, The Other Trickster Shard, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, Level 1 - The Lore of the Vampires
Vampire, BSB, Hellsteed, Heavy Armor, Red Fury, Sword of Striking, Dawnstone, Enchanted Shield, Potion of Foolhardiness, Level 2 - The Lore of the Vampires
Necromancer - Dispel Scroll, Level 2 - The Lore of the Vampires

50 Zombies
50 Zombies
39 Zombies
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves
5 Dire Wolves

4 Vargheists
, Vargoyle
4 Vargheists, Vargoyle


Monday, 22 September 2014

Game 35 - Bretonnia - 2012/09/17


This time I had a great opportunity to play a game against Lord Anathir (ShadowMage for UB players). He mentioned long time ago that he would like to provide a proper test for my MSU army and finally we met at the battlefield. He also gave me a choice between his Dwarves or Bretonnians. Since I am at the moment still healing after the beating I got while assaulting a Dwarven castle I picked Brets. I knew roughly what his army is going to have and it was a different kind of challenge. Flying Circus! :)

Army Lists and pre-battle considerations

Bretonnia in general is tough opponent. With high armor save, ward save all around and fast troops it is hard to inflict significant damage and picking up fights is not easy either. We also played ETC rules as LA plans to attend that event next year but I thought we are using only rules for terrain and such. As it turned out, LA brought his 2400 and I had my usual 2500, which luckily for me fits the current rules pack too. I still feel embarrassed though that we didn't check that out before the game  :oops:

Brets might look like one dimensional army and it is true that they don't have that many options as other armies but I think they are still doing great despite having one of the oldest army books out there. As I have mentioned earlier, LA brought flying circus and here are the details:

Bretonnia - Army List

Lord, Pegasus, Asf sword, Hkb, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm
Lvl4, warhorse, Falconhorn, Dispel scroll - Lore of Heavens
Bsb, barded horse, questing vow, great weapon, morning star, Gromril great helm, Mantle of damsel elena
Paladin, barded steed, virtue of duty, morning star, Enchanted shield

12 Knights of the Realm, fc, Gleaming pennant
12 Knights Errants, fc, Warbanner
3 Pegasus Knights, champ
3 Pegasus Knights, champ
3 Pegasus Knights, champ
5 yeomen
2 x trebuchet
5 Grail Knights
, standard, Banner of Eternal Flame

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Game 34 - Dwarves - 2012/09/09


After longer than expected break in gaming I had a chance for a rematch against Dwarven castle led by Targ Ironfist. I had a new plan how to storm it and I was very keen to test it. I also made an adjustment in my army list.

Army Lists and pre-battle considerations
I knew I have to do something about Organ Guns before I approached the lines of the enemy. Since he had protective banner against shooting his other troops were much better protected with combination of more wounds to inflict, armor and ward save. Despite the fact I had to roll 6's to wound I believed I had a chance to destroy them faster than 10 quarrelers. However, I didn't know how exactly his castle is going to look like this time and that is why I decided to deploy my elites in the middle first so that I could shuffle to the flank I wanted to while be able to position my shooters where I needed them the most. I also thought that this would help me to be out of range and sight of some of Dwarven missile troops so I could bear more numbers to the shooting duel. If I had some woods to offer additional protection it would be great.

The other part of the army were to maneuver carefully to be able to move all at once so that Organ Gun on the other side could not kill them all. I also wanted to use White Lions to protect Swordmasters from missile fire so I was looking for chances to deploy my elites in 2 thin lines to minimize casualties from cannons. Ok, army lists:

Dwarves - Army List

King with Shield Bearers
Runesmith, Master Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking
Battle Standard Bearer, Master Rune of Challenge

30 Warriorrs, Great Weapons, Full Command
33 Hammerers, Full Command, Master Rune of Grungni
10 Quarrelers, Shields
16 Quarrelers, Great Weapons
10 Slayers

2 x Organ Gun
Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning
Cannon, Rune of Forging


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Game 33 - Empire - 2012/07/04


It seemed that we haven't played against each other for some time so when Eastern Barbarian aka wardancer told me he wants to put his highly experimental MSU Empire army to the test I was more than happy to accept the challenge!

Army List and pre-battle considerations

I haven't had many chances to play against Empire so far but the most recent game at Wintercon proved it can be a tough army. Sheer amount of 1+ armor save is already difficult to deal with while addition of a nasty artillery makes it even more troublesome. However, I know EB often picks completely different units and armies for his forces so I was curious as what he is going to test this time. It was an experimental force since he has not played with new book yet and also because he got hooked by MSU concept and all he does now is this approach.

Empire - Army List

Wizard Lord on barded Warhorse, Level 4 - Lore of Heavens
Warrior Priest on barded Warhorse
BSB on barded Warhorse
Captain on Pegasus
Captain on Pegasus

10 Inner Circle Knights, Full Command, Steel Banner
5 Knights, Musician
5 Knights, Musician
10 Huntsmen

5 Reiksguard
, Musician
5 Outriders, Musician
5 Outriders, Musician
3 Demigryphs, Musician


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Game 32 - Dwarves - 2012/07/01


Some time ago I was challenged by Dwarven player Targ Ironfist and we finally managed to meet on the battlefield (thanks to UB website :)). I had no idea what kind of army Targ likes to play with so I didn't make any in-depth battle plans before the game, trusting my limited experience with Dwarves should be enough. We rolled for scenario and ended up with Blood and Glory, with no modifications to the rules in the rulebook.

Army Lists and pre-battle considerations

Dwarves are always tough army to play against. The scenario rules made the situation even more difficult since capturing standards and killing characters is definitely not what Dwarves would let you get. As it turned out Targ has quite classic Dwarven force:

Dwarves - Army List

King with Shield Bearers
Runesmith, Rune of Spellbreaking
Battle Standard Bearer

30 Warriorrs, Great Weapons, Full Command
33 Hammerers, Full Command, Master Rune of Grungni
10 Quarrelers, Shields
16 Quarrelers, Great Weapons
10 Slayers

2 x Organ Gun
Cannon, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning
Cannon, Rune of Forging


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Game 31 - High Elves - 2012/06/27


The last game of the Wintercon was to be another civil war or "magical tactical simulation" :) as I faced Steve and his High Elves. We used Battle line scenario rules for this one.

Army List and per-battle considerations

I think I am getting used to fighting against HE. :) It is actually quite interesting because all the games I had so far (5 of them in total to be precise) were against different army lists. There were some similarities but also distinct differences which in general made particular army unique on its own. Steve had an army which had some very unusual choices (I picked pink color for Steve's army after his set of dice he bought especially for this event!):

High Elves - Army List

Prince, Great Weapon, Shield, Bow of Seafarer, Armor of Stars, Talisman of Protection
Archmage, Level 4, Guardian Phoenix, Vortex Shard - Lore of Shadow
BSB, Great Weapon, Armor of Caledor, Dawnstone
Mage, Level 2, Talisman of Endurance, Silver Wand, Ironcurse Icon - Lore of Metal

24 Lothern Sea Guard, Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame
20 Lothern Sea Guard, Full Command

3 x 7 Swordmasters
14 Phoenix Guard
,  Full Command, Banner of Swiftness, Skeinsliver

2 x Great Eagle

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Game 30 - Warriors of Chaos - 2012/06/25


Battle 7 was played with the use of modified Watchtower scenario where whoever controlled the the tower by the end of the game received extra 500VP. Other rules applied as normal. This time I had a great pleasure to play against Chris and his Khorne Warriors!

Army List and pre-battle considerations

Watchtower scenario can be tough one but thanks to the modification it was actually an interesting one. 500VP is a nice bonus but do not make you win by very large margin just by keeping the garrison in the tower. On the other hand if you ignore the enemy unit defending it then you can still have a chance to win the game regardless.

Chaos Warriors are always a tough army to play against, no matter what is the list. Tough units, well armored units, cheap units, hard hitting too. My previous experience from CanCon was definitely helpful but then I lost twice against them. Can it be the time for a rematch?

Khorne Warriors - Army List

With apologies to Chris for any inconsistencies and missed magic items .

Chaos Lord, Barded Chaos Steed, Chaos Armor, Shield, Mark of Khorne, Talisman of Preservation
Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Khorne
Sorcerer, level 2, Infernal Puppet - Lore of Tzeentch
Sorcerer, level 2, Dispel Scroll - Lore of Tzeentch

15 Chaos Warriors, Halberds, Shields, Full Command, Mark of Khorne
15 Chaos Warriors, Halberds, Shields, Full Command, Mark of Tzeentch, Banner of Rage

18 Chosen, Halberds, Mark of Khorne, Full Command
4 Chaos Ogres, Chaos Armor, Great Weapons, Mark of Khorne
5 Chaos Knights, Banner, Mark of Khorne


Friday, 5 September 2014

Game 29 - Ogre Kingdoms - 2012/06/23


Game 3 of the Day 2 of Wintercon was to be played with modified Blood and Glory scenario. The modification awarded extra 550VP for the player who broke his enemy but the game was to last full 6 turns if possible anyway. This time I had a pleasure to play Garry and his unique army of Ogre Kingdoms.

Army List and pre-battle considerations

Ogre Kingdoms are considered one of the best armies among 8th edition army books. Very tough and with infamous gutstars and ironblasters they are definitely a force to respect. My last game against OK was a disaster and I lost badly at CanCon 2012 also in a blood and glory scenario.This time I had one standard more, also for this occasion but I was glad a I have a chance for some kind of a rematch. When I saw Garry's army I initially thought it is a similar force to any other, with a horde of Ogres and 2 units of Mournfangs. I was, however, wrong!

Ogre Kingdoms - Army List

Slaughter Master, level 4, Talisman of Preservation - Lore of Beast
Battle Standard Bearer
Butcher, level 2, Dispel Scroll - Gut Lore

3 x 9 Ogres, Full Commands
2 x Sabertusk
3 x 2 Mournfangs
, Musicians
6 Maneaters, Stubborn, Swiftstride, Full Command

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Game 28 - Dwarves - 2012/06/21


The fifth battle was to be Battle for the Pass and I was about to face the army which is probably one of the best suited for that scenario ... Dwarves :) However, to make things more interesting tournament organizers decided that there will be 3 markers going across the middle of the pass. Each marker was worth 500VP if there was a unit with a banner in 6" away from it. On the other hand, the objective could be contested by any other unit of the enemy also in 6" from it. A very interesting twist if you ask me.

Army List and pre-battle considerations

My opponent, James, was very curious about playing High Elves. He also had an interesting and quite compact force of tough and relentless warriors. Despite the fact that Dwarves are also a very difficult opponent for my army I was looking forward to playing that game as two forces with completely (if not opposite) approaches to warfare were about to clash.

When my army relies on speed and maneuver, James's force is at its best forming shieldwall and obliterating enemy with his insanely accurate war machines. Yet another episode from War of the Beard :)

Dwarves - Army List

I hope that James is going to read this battle report and correct all the details about the runes as I don't remember all of them 

Dwarf King with Shieldbearers
Runelord with Anvil of Doom, Rune of Spellbreaking

3 x 25 Warriors, Great Weapons, Full Command
28 Hammerers, Full Command, Master Rune of Grungni

Grudge Thrower, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating x2
Grudge Thrower, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating
Cannon, Rune of Burning, Rune of Forging